Happy New Year - time to get out into the garden

Yesterday we had almost an entire 24 hours without rain so I sprayed myself liberally with mosquito repellent and went out into the garden and chopped and hacked my way through the jungle.  This will allow more light into the ground and plants and hopefully there will be less damp areas for the mozzies to hang out and breed in.  I also would like it to dry out enough to mulch up the leaves.  The rex begonia love this weather.

I really chopped away a lot of hanging branches here to let the light in and scraped up some lovely mulch from the path to put between the bromeliads.  There are still lots of lovely strands of lady slipper orchids hanging down into the path.

I was photographing the hanging lady slipper orchids and look at this funny face I captured!

Underneath the fan palms the beehive gingers are going crazy - I will get into this area next and clean it out a bit.

I hope everyone else has had a wonderful relaxing time with family and friends and looking forwards to lots of new gardening projects in the new year.


  1. Wow, so lovely. Tropical and lush. Everything is very brown just now here in Scotland and we are having so much rain, which is making things very muddy.

    1. Ah my photos only show the good parts. These flowers love heat. I have seen on the news now much rain you are having. Stay safe!

  2. your garden is beautiful!
    it's all very dry here, given up on my vegies for now, too hot for any to grow well
    thanx for sharing

    1. Most veggies don't grow at this time of year but the tropical ones do. Coffee, peppercorns, ginger they are all going mad which is very exciting.

  3. Those beehive gingers are fabulous! We're going through a week of frosty weather right now. The sun is out but it's cold.

  4. It looks lovely there. We are supposed to get rain and chilly temps here in s.e. FL, both welcome.

    Have a great 2016 ~ FlowerLady

  5. Your garden looks very lovely. I'm stopping by to wish you a very Happy New Year! ♥

  6. Love the funny face in your lady slipper orchid...so cute....ain't nature grand?
    Oh my your beehive gingers are looking fantabulous...my reds should be popping up soon, but my yellows have died it seems...time to get some more.
    Happy New Year!!

    1. I only saw it once I got inside and put the photo on the screen. Funny what we miss. Glad you got to catch up with your friend. I need to clear away the dead leaves and then the behaves can shine. That is the project for today.

  7. Sounds like you've had a lot of rain. Your Rex begonias are very pretty. I didn't realize they like a lot of water. It seems like it would be the opposite. Good luck getting your jungle tamed.

  8. Happy New Year Gillian. I think the rain you were having has moved south to us for a while (well some of it at least). Your garden is looking very lush with all the rain, but hope you get some fine days to get all the chores done.

  9. Your garden is looking great. Mine is looking a little tidier because I gave it a clean up before the deluge of visitors but still a long way to go.

    1. You have some great ideas on your latest post. Nothing like visitors coming to get me out in the garden cleaning up!

  10. Your gingers are gorgeous! I wish I could grow them here.

    1. Those are nice, and I have moved them a couple of times, but I quite like them hiding away behind the fan palms.


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