Garden Share collective - wrapping up May and heading into June

Time to link up with the Garden Share Collective again    No, I haven't fallen off the end of the world, but the last time I posted was last months catchup, other than sharing my chickpea patty recipe..  Gosh, that is bad.  I said I needed some inspiration though, and just in the last week I have got it in buckets. I won second prize in a competition (I didn't want to win first prize - I already live here where the weekend getaway is lol!)   I am pretty excited and this is excellent timing!

2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes: Richgro Organic & Natural Gardening Pack (value $85).

Each pack contains:
  • 1 x Mega Booster Complete Organic Fertiliser
  • 1 x Mega Booster Vegetable and Herb Fertiliser
  • 1 x Charlie Carp Organic Liquid Fertiliser
  • 1 x Beat-A-Bug Naturally based Insect Spray  – 1 Litre Ready to Use
  • 1 x Beat-A-Bug Naturally based Insect – 1 Litre Concentrate
  • 1 x Beat-A-Weed Naturally based Weed Killer – 1 Litre Ready to Use
  I have lots of rosella to pick and dry for tea, but no time to stop and sit and enjoy a cuppa!    Busy, busy, busy.  once those rosella are harvested the plants will come out and snow peas will be planted in their place.

 The lovely flowers are just open for one day and by the time I got the camera out they had all started to furl up - you can see how the calyx has started to form - that is the part you dry for tea or make jam with.  I only just noticed the green ant peering over the edge of the flower once I posted this photo!
 The red papaya are getting bigger, yeah!
 these little round eggplant are super tasty and convenient.

I don't know what is attacking the purple ones - they seems to be curling up into a ball and then falling off.  Haha bugs - I have some beat-a-bug on the way just for you!

I have been loving this little spinach - most spinach just bolts in my climate, but this has been great.

 I popped in a few cucumber plants and they are all doing well, as are the two tropic tomatoes a friend gifted me.  Volunteer cherry tomato plants are popping up everywhere, and some of them will have to be moved to  more convenient locations.   

I reckon we might be picking some cucumbers this week already.

I decided that the long green beans had to go - what a dreadful job that was dragging them off the top of the barbados cherry and fighting green ants all the way.  These are still hanging off the trellis - so we might get a few more beans, but once the others start to bear then these will go. 

The Barbados cherry also got a good haircut.

 These are purple king beans with summer savory in front - I am not sure if that will grow here, but I had the seeds.....  I harvested a huge bunch of ginger out of this bed to make room for them.  That is all now cleaned and in the freezer.

 I just love it when I get excited about gardening again - life took over and I haven't been able to get out into the garden for ages.  I ordered some seed, and have planted some out into trays - others will go directly into the ground.

Planting: Purple king beans, cos lettuce, lemon cucumber, Pakchoi, Green and red salad bowl lettuce, snowpeas, nasturtium. Tomatoes. The seed collection also included free radish and daisy seeds :)  I love how their packing slip and envelope is brown recycled paper!

Harvesting: Rosella, long green beans, eggplant, herbs, ginger, spinach, baby rocket, leaf celery.  

To do: add manure and compost to the beds where I will be planting out my seedlings.  Water with tea from the worm castings and move the worm buckets.  


  1. As always I love looking at your exotic collection of plants! The Rosella is divine. I doubt it would grow in Victoria. I have not seen them around. And you have cucumber still!! Very envious.

    1. Kyrstie,
      Up here in the tropics the "winter" is our main growing season. so my cucumber, tomatoes and lettuces are just starting out. The rosella is part of the hibuscus family and grows through the hot humid summer, so think it is really a tropical plant.

  2. I forgot where you were for a minute, then I remembered north QLD, yep you have paw paws and cucumbers still going. Our cucumbers have finally said no to the cold weather we have been getting at night and are no longer growing. Congrats on your prize, lucky you can get rid of the bugs in the coming months. Have a great month.

    1. Haha, we are just getting into our gardening season now. I normally only use soap spray for bugs (or ignoring them and hoping they go away) The bugs wont know what has hit them!

  3. I love seeing all the different things that you grow. I was once given rosella seeds, but they don't grow here. Our season is just too short.

    1. Daphne - rosellas do take a long time to grow, but it is nice to have something that grows through the wet season.

  4. Congratulations on your prize win. Never seen a rosella plant before, very pretty flowers. Love that the ant can be seen in your photo. A very productive garden indeed.

    1. Sami, Most people make jam, but to me pink tea is the ultimate :)

  5. Congratulations on your prize. I've never seen a rosella plant before either. What do they taste like fresh?

    1. R&R,
      thank you, I have not tasted them fresh, but the tea is quite tart. Most people add honey or sugar, but I like it plain.

  6. I'm so happy for you...your harvesting looks good.
    What a wonderful prize...I know you will enjoy using all the organic fertilizers...keep us posted on the outcome.
    I must send you the recipe for our sorrel drink (rosella)...we drink it mostly at Christmastime.
    Did the Barbados cherry itch your skin when you were cutting it back...I'm allergic to it.

    1. thank you Virginia, it is nice to be picking something out of the garden. I shared my first three cucumbers with three of my neighbours. Oh that recipe sounds good, I look forward to it. No itching fromthe rosella, just green ant bites....

  7. Your second prize is perfect for a gardner, fantastic! And look how your red papaya is loaded down with fruit.

    I was curious how you prepared your round green eggplants, I've only seen them used in soups and coconut curries.

    1. Phuong,
      It is isnt it? I am anxious to taste them as often people call a papaya red, but it is not! I mostly cut them in half and roast them with my other roasted veggies in the oven or on the barbeque. Coconut curry sounds interesting - I will have to research a recipe for that.

  8. congratulations on your win! sometimes second prizes are even better, and that is a great one. any gardener would be happy with that!
    I am in love with your rosella tree and its flowers. so pretty.

    1. E, thank you, yes I was very happy, and the box has arrived already. They are pretty, but i am now anxious to harvest and remove them because I need that space for my snowpeas!

  9. Oh, to still have cucumbers. I am very jealous! The rosella is so pretty.

    1. Bek, I have to grow them in our winter as the summers are too hot and humid! the rosella does add a spot of colour to the veggie patch which is nice.

  10. Hi Africanaussie.....I always enjoy checking in on your garden. The rosella looks lovely. I have just come back from a few weeks in Fiji and there they were selling young rosella leaves in the market. The Indian ladies apparently use them to make a type of chutney. It was a new use to me and may be of interest to you too. aloha


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