Flowers and birds enjoy the garden in April

For multiple reasons, I have not spent much time out in the garden lately.  Life sometimes takes over, but I am so lucky to live in a climate where the garden merrily keeps on growing, all by itself....The old gazebo trellis is where I tied up a bunch of Tilladsia (airplants)
 and placed a bunch of orchids in pots on the shelf below it - they are all badly in need of re-potting.
 I have been noticing a bit of colour in the area lately, and the Tillandsia are really putting on a  show.
 the tibouchina also love this time of year, and are continually covered in these lovely purple blooms.
 These angel wing begonia struggle through the heat and humidity of the summer, and then show all their glory as the weather cools down a bit.  Even the cordeline leaves seems more brilliant.
 I keep threatening to pull out all these tissue paper costus, until they flower that is......
 There are always lots of birds in my garden, but a  lot of them are small and flighty and very hard to photograph.  for some reason this sunbird stayed on the fence, sunning his brilliantly coloured blue throat, until I had managed to get a good shot.
 This is one of their favourite playgrounds - they love to hang onto the thinnest wire, and dart in and out, snapping up little insects.
Gosh what a glorious time it is in the garden lately.   I hope you too are finding lots to love in your garden.


  1. Such a lovely post. Patience is required with photographing birds and he was certainly worth it. So much beauty when to take time to stop and just enjoy.

    1. Lynda,
      You are so right! Lately I have just beeen taking the time to enjoy the garden rather than work in it all the time.

  2. The sunbird is besutiful. I have never seen one of those.

    1. They are lovely aren't they Joan. you only see that brilliant flash of blue in the sunshine though!

  3. That bird is so beautiful ... and to see the plants that we grow inside thriving merrily in your garden is a treat. I'm really looking forward to our first visit to the southern hemisphere next year to see all this wonderful colour :) Believe it or not it has been snowing here today - on the 27th April!!!!! Somebody has not told the weather what it's supposed to be doing :) Thanks for the splash of sunshine.
    Fil @ Fil’s Place - Old songs and Memories

    1. Fil,
      Oh that is sad, you should be having spring - I hope it warms up for you soon. Golly are you coming to Australia? Would be lovely to see you.

  4. The colours in the flowers are beautiful! The bird is lovely too. You are lucky to live in a climate where your garden can grow without so much help. Take care.

    1. Joyful,
      Yes I am blessed, since the main part of my gardening is cutting things back or thinning them out!

  5. I know you are going into fall down there, but it looks like spring to me! So many beautiful flowers and that sunbird is lovely.

    1. Jenny,
      Our winter is the best time of the year here.

  6. This is the time of year I start wishing I lived in FNQ again and the feeling keeps up during winter. You have such beautiful weather - good for plants and people.

    1. Roz,
      It is nice here now, but then we do get the heat and humidity - I suppose every place has its ups and downs...

  7. The sun bird is a beauty!
    I love the colours in your garden.

  8. Great capture of the birds! I can never get them to sit still and let me get close.

    I'm always in awe of your tropical plants, which struggle to return from their roots each spring here. Plants that winter indoors are slowly moving outside. I look forward to seeing quills on my Tillandsias, too, with those little blue flowers.

    1. Jean,
      Thank you, this bird was very patient for me. I love how long lasting those quills (Thanks for the proper wording!) are.

  9. what wonderful colours - every picture got better and better! i'm really drawn to those lovely pinks and purples. all those feathered visitors must be such a delight.

    1. e,
      One of my favourite gardening persuits is just sitting and admiring the view. Unfortunately this doesnt stop the weeds taking over!

  10. What a great post from your part of the world. I came via Simply Susan's blog. I look forward to returning.


    1. Oh good Flowerlady, I am glad you enjoyed the visit.

  11. My daughter bought me a Tillandsia a few weeks ago, I didn't know they actually flowered, something to look forward to.


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