Garden share Collective

Here it is again, time to link up with Lizzie for the garden-share-collective-december-2014   It doesn't seem as though a  whole month has passed.  Not much has been going on because even though we are in the beginning of the wet season it has been so dry we actually have stage 2 water restrictions.....
the wet season plants are all coming up out of dormancy though - ginger, turmeric, galangal, lemongrass, and oh my gosh the cardamom has flowered and it looks as though seed pods have formed - how great is that!  I have been told repeatedly that you cannot grow seeds here, that the type of cardamom we have is called false cardamom... These definitely look like seeds to me....
 I presume these will now shrivel into the cardamom seeds that we know and love.
Last year I did not grow enough rosella, so I started some seedlings, and they needed some shade so they each got their own little cassava umbrella, along with lemongrass mulch alongside..
Can you see it hiding under there?  
 The eggplant are producing - yeah.  they are growing in the wicking beds, and it seems to have worked really well during this dry season.
 The fennel is growing long and lanky not short and bulbous - should I harvest it already do you think?  One of the others is going to seed.  I read that if you cut just above the ground it will re-shoot.
The shade cloths are doing their job well - in fact it would be better if the whole garden was shaded, but that might happen down the road once my trees grow up.  The barbadoes cherry is already proving some nice filtered light.
I have grave fears for my avocado though.  It looked a bit sad when I bought it, but I thought with some compost and worm poo it would recover.  What do you think it needs?  
Eeek only 24 sleeps to Christmas - how did that creep up on me?  
I have a cheese making kit on my Christmas wish list ..... what is on yours?
It will be January already by the time we link up again, so I wish all of you a very Happy Christmas if you only swing by here once a month.  


  1. I thought November went by all too fast, too.

    Mama used to say that she would grow eggplants even if they were not good to eat because both bloom and fruit are attractive. Yours looks great.

    I don't know what your avocado needs. I grew one from a seed once that was looking pretty good until we transplanted it, rather badly.Maybe it just needs a little time.

    1. Jean,
      I agree about eggplants, and I am glad that they seem to be doing well in the wicking beds. We have a wilt in the soil here so cannot grow them inground. I do love them too so that is a bonus. Maybe this too is transplant shock.

  2. That eggplant is gorgeous! I have killed two avocados so wont give any advice on that :-) the fennel needs the earth mounded around it as it grows that may help to stop it shooting upwards. I would pick it now. Have a great month.

    1. Kyrstie,
      Oh that is nice to know about the fennel. I heard that it will re-shoot, so will cut just at the base and see what happens. the others are not as big so i will try mounding the soil around them. You have a good month too!

  3. Oh, I want a cheese making kit too. The avocado does look a little yellow, so I would of stuck to mulch and plenty of water. Mind you I am not great when it comes to fruit trees just yet. Looks like you have a great shade set up for the hot summer I think we are about to have. Fennel bolts with heat, I only grow it in the cooler months here.

    1. Liz, it is more than we normally spend for the secret santa, but I love the way that Gavin has everything you need in one kit. It has been so dry, maybe the avocado has not liked that, the label said free draining soil, but maybe I went tooo far.... Hopefully mine hangs around for the cooler season. One is going to seed so I will collect those seeds.

  4. I am excited if you get cardamon seeds too - so let us know.

    1. I am excited too - I will be carefully monitoring them to see what happens.

  5. It must be so wonderful to be able to grow all those lovely tropical plants. Ginger, turmeric, galangal, lemongrass, and cardamom; what wonderful curries you'll be able to make. I've never seen cardamom growing before -- fascinating!

    1. I like nothing better than to wander through the garden collecting spices for dinner. I think herbs and spices are the best things to grow, so good fresh out of the garden.

  6. Just dug up my large lemongrass and divided it among my friends, while I replanted the baby plantlets.
    It's cold and flu season and lemongrass works well for me if needed.
    Sorry I can't offer any advice on your avocado plant but did you do a google search for the problems?
    Here we call the roselle by its other name sorrel, which makes a lovely drink for the Christmas season.

    1. Virginia,
      I probably should divide my lemongrass too, since I use so much of it. I use both lemongrass and rosella for tea. It is a very pretty drink, and I have seen people put a regular hibiscus flower into the jug too. (remove the stamen)

  7. cardamom - WOW!!! what amazing adventures you have in your garden, AA. the things you can grow.
    you have changed your design since I was here last - I like it, nice and fresh!

    1. e,
      I was pretty excited to see the flowers and then the seeds. I think what has helped is that I keep turning over the weed mat in the paths, onto the weeds I have pulled out. Your new beds your Dad made are awesome too!

  8. I'm so jealous! Turmeric, and ginger ... it doesn't get warm enough for us to grow them here. And cardamom, one of my favourite spices. Hmm that avocado. They are really hard to grow well I think so. We have tried several times now with no success. Apparently they like being planted near other trees and really dislike wet feet. Looks like something is having a good munch on yours. Oh dear Christmas countdown ... LOL!

    1. I have heard of people growing ginger in Melbourne but maybe in a greenhouse. Cardamom is also one of my favourites. I like to leave the seeds whole in curries so when you chew on one you get a flavour expolosion in your mouth. It seems as though many people have trouble with avocado, and I hope it survives the wet season.

  9. Hi, Really great effort. Everyone should read this article. Thanks for sharing.

  10. My fingers get so itchy when I stop in here and see your beautiful plants and read about all that's going on. I wasn't able to work in my garden this year as I was in the hospital most of the summer, and I missed it. It's a beautiful day today though, so I can go out and pull a few weeds.

  11. Your plants are so exotic and wonderul! We have opposite needs, I would love more sun. My fennel looks the same though, I've always thought it is the variety that is to blame. The butterflies and birds still love it.

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