A German Nativity Pyramid in the Tropics

I received an unexpected package in the mail this week.  A pyramid nativity!  It turns!  It comes with love from my daughter who is living in Germany at the moment!  She knows I love nativities, and this is unlike anything I have ever seen before.
The theory is that in a small, cold  draught free room the heat will rise and send the windmill spinning, which in turn will rotate both of the platforms.  At first it wouldn't work - firstly it is hot here, secondly we have the fans going, and at times the aircon, and it is in the middle of an open plan kitchen living area.
My dear sweet patient, persistent hubby has made a plan.  I hope you can see this little video.

It is now a tropical Nativity pyramid!  With the fan on it goes around like crazy - probably too fast, but once the fan was adjusted it settled down to a nice easy rhythm.  
Down the bottom are Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the Three Kings.  On the Top level is a shepherd with some sheep.  The craftsmanship is just amazing.  It looks so pretty with the candles lit too!

My daughter sent me this photo, so you can see they come in all shapes and sizes. 

I love seeing all the different ways that people celebrate Christmas all around the world. 


  1. That is a wonderful Christmas decoration. Stunning.
    We have a little thing with candles and a wind vane on top too. Ours has cherubs and metal chimes. Luckily the candles are only short or they would go soft and bend. We don't light them. I turn the windvane upside down and the whole gadget works for us. A low fan speed is enough.
    I must admit I have been a sook and turned on the air conditioner this year. Far too many times actually.
    I hope your daughter enjoys Christmas in Germany. My son was there for one Christmas but he felt too confined being inside and complained there was nothing outside to do but ski. Half his luck!!

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  2. Yes these do come in all different shapes and sizes - I have seen the metal ones before. As time goes on I find that the humidity seems worse or I cope with it less. We dont turn the temperature down low, but it helps to combat some of the humity. My daughter is always out and about doing something.

  3. The nativity set is really pretty....I have always admired the craftsmanship and the workings of the whole thing.....so incredibly clever.
    When you wrote that "My dear sweet patient, persistent hubby has made a plan" I immediately thought of Tim the Tool Man Taylor (US comedy Home Improvement) who had a knack for adjusting and reconfiguring almost every gadget he could get his hands on, which drove his poor wife Jill batty.....your hubby did great!!

    1. Virginia,
      I watched a couple of videos of how these are made, and it definitely requires patience. Oh Yes! I loved that show!

  4. What a wonderful creation. I've never seen one before. It's a beautiful idea.

    1. Bernie,
      It was a complete surprise. She is good at keeping surprises, me ..... not so much!

  5. Very pretty, I had seen them in Germany when we lived there, but never bought one.

    1. Sami,
      They seem very popular there, in all shapes and sizes.

  6. what fun! much better than a nativity scene that just sits there.


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