It isThanksgiving in America

My two daughters are together for Thanksgiving this year, and since we are a family scattered all around the world this is a rare occurance.  I think you need to have lived through a couple of  American Thanksgivings to really appreciate the holiday, and I am grateful that I did experience living in America for many years.

 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

After a busy week and weekend we went and sat on the beach with some brie and fresh bread for a couple of hours.  Very relaxing.

You might have noticed that I now have all my blogs tabbed across the top of this one blog.  I have wanted to do this for ages.  Just this last week I e-mailed  Joan at bluemountainsjournal and she very kindly sent me the instructions.  It was easy peasy!  Gosh I am so thankful to be a part of this blogging community, thank you Joan.

On yet another note I am going to be in the grow your blog party again this year.  Please sign up if you are interested - it is great fun, and you will find lots of lovely blogs.  It is hosted by Vicki here .  I am going to have  a giveaway when I post mine so watch out for it on January 25th.

I wont be eating Turkey, but I will be counting my blessings.


  1. How wonderful to sit on the beach and have a picnic. I will join Grow your blog again this year, time has flown, it feels as if the last party was just a couple of months ago...

  2. Hi Sami,
    We can spend a lot of time just watching the waves lap in. I missed it last year because I will travelling, but it was a fun thing to partake in, glad you are joining in too.

  3. Very interesting blog. A lot of blogs that I see these days don't really provide anything that interesting. But I'm definitely interested in this one more than any other blog.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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