Counting my blessings....

I feel so blessed to have a garden, with flowers and little dribbles of food (we certainly cannot live on what I grow!) ......... and butterflies ...... and a peaceful place to sit and enjoy it all.  
There was some lovely soft seaweed on the beach yesterday afternoon, so we gathered a couple of bagfuls.  I laid it out as mulch on the asparagus bed, but clearly will have to get some more.  I am sure I can be talked into another walk on the beach some time soon.  This asparagus stalk was chopped up and divided between the two of us - tender all the way to the bottom.  The Mary Washington is skinny little stalks as you can see in the background.  I have decided I will go ahead and plant some more purple asparagus seeds.
Look!  I have some eggplant too :)
 Purple basil - this is such awesome basil - leaves of this and also amaranth, parsley and lettuce were  added to the leafy mix of our salad.  I guess we are getting enough of the vitamins that purple food supplies!
 The Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) are beginning to bloom :)
I can never get enough of these stunning flowers.  Look at those beautiful stirpes, and the perfect little stamens - with one long white one...
 Opening up the bed has brought the golden candles to life as well and I do love the purple and yellow together.
 I have been blessed with two grandchildren here in Australia and my new little one in America.
 No matter where we are I will hold them in my hearts, I will think of them as as I go....

Happy grandparents day to any other grandparents out there.  
Have a very blessed weekend.


  1. A garden is always a treasure :-)

    1. It is - I love to just wander around the garden after I get home from work and suddenly I feel centered. and relaxed.

  2. Great to see your hippies flowering. They are stunning aren't they.
    Don't give up on the green asparagus. The stems will be thicker next year and the year after that they'll be giants. They just take a while. I'm digging mine out to take with me when I move but fully expect to have to wait a couple of years for it to thicken up again.

    1. Oh really that is interesting Missy, they were planted as two year crowns three years ago, at the same time that I started the seed for the purple one. I was not going to pull them out though until I knew I had some fair sized plants to replace them. The seedlings I planted didnt survive though so I am wondering if seeds grow better planted in the ground instead of pots.

  3. I did not know today was Grandparent's Day. We have the divine Miss Ruby who is almost 3 and a new little one arriving next March :)

    1. What an exciting time to have a new little one on its way. It is amazing how quickly they grow isnt it?

  4. The amaryllis are beautiful. I seem to have lost the couple that I bought to this house with me. You have reminded me what I am missing.

  5. oh no! Mine dont flower every year for some reason, but since I was moving these bulbs to a new location I popped them into the crisper drawer and now they are all flowering. Awesome, I hope yours show up :)

  6. What beautiful amaryllis blooms.....continue to enjoy.
    I'm not a granny yet, but am looking forward to becoming one whenever daughter decides to have a kid.

  7. Your garden is looking lovely as always. You are doing well with your asparagus. i planted some this year but I let the bed dry out and I don't think it survived the heat.


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