Tropical colour

The little section which I think of as my fan palm forest is coming along nicely.   I wanted to be able to look out and not see any fence.  I also wanted to look up and see the sun shining through the beautiful shapes of the fan palm leaves.  One of the most beautiful tropical sights in my book.

I also have a fluted fan palm.  They both seem to have shot up this last year.

I purchased this plant at one of the orchid shows, and it has multiplied and I need to reduce it in size once more. The foliage is so interesting. It does get some yellow flowers right at the base, but the interest is in the leaves.

Of course my favourite bit of colour at the moment is the lady slipper orchid - sorry if you are getting tired of seeing this from every angle.....  the sunbirds are always flocking around sipping nectar from these flowers and often get a bit rough and I find these little flowers scattered like confettiti under the tree.

The vine is climbing up this weeping tea tree.  I just love to look up and see flashes of yellow and red up high.

There are other orchids tied up in this tree, so I am watching out for buds.


  1. The palms are beautiful and that orchid has such pretty colours. It must be amazing to see the birds eating the nectar.

    1. Oh yes it is Sami, but they flit around so quickly that I doubt I could ever get a good photo.

  2. Your garden is stunning, look at all the colors and texture! I'd be lost in a reverie in your paradise. And I love your earlier post about seating in the garden; gosh, it would be hard to decide which chair to sit in; each has their own fantastic view!

    1. karen,
      Thank you, I could walk around for hours in your garden!

  3. The tropical garden looks wonderful!

    1. Thank you Joyful, I am lucky to live here where such beautiful plants grow so easily.

  4. That vine is considered rare in my place.
    Regardless - its truly a beauty to enjoy them watching sunbirds enjoying them.
    I had Rex Begonias before - somehow they didn't make it.
    Thanks for dropping by.

    1. James,
      I have never seen one before, and fell in love the minute I saw it. Sorry about your rex begonias, mine just get forgotten under the tree, so maybe you gave yours too much TLC?

  5. Oh you certainly make the most of your plot - it's lovely to see!

  6. The different views give us a sense of how the garden looks from every angle, not too many at all. Your fan palms are a tropical delight along with the orchids and others.

    1. Jean,
      We used to have a fan palm walk up in the rianforest and that was my favourite. Unfortunately it closed down.

  7. Love your tropical palms. That orchid is cool too, it reminds me a bit of a pitcher plant.

  8. Your palms are gorgeous! Such a riot of colour created by the different foliage The fan palm is stunning and I bet you never get sick of this delightful view.

    1. Merryn, It is amazing how much pleasure one can get in a garden isnt it?

  9. Your garden is always a pleasure to look at. So different from what I can grow...


    1. Tania,
      I think our climate is not as harsh as yours, Just looking at the veggies you have been growing I am in awe.

  10. Love your palms, I don't have those two specimens in my Palm Alley....maybe I should.


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