Take a seat

One of the suggestions landscapers have is to provide plenty of places to sit and admire the garden or have a rest.  Sometimes I think I may have overdone this feature since my garden is tiny.
 This canvas chair is very comfy, and a marvellous place to settle into with the paper.  Having a few random hibiscus blooms on my shoulder is an added benefit.
On my list of things to do one day is to sand it down and varnish to match these two chairs which  are on the other side of the front verandah.
 Just in case you need a rest, within three feet is another place to relax, and wow do we make use of this swing.  Evening cockail hour with the hubby, place to assess the garden and plan more projects.  Place to just sit and admire what  georgous space we have created out the side. This swing has moved around the garden but is now back where it orginally started out, providing a long view all the way to the back corner of the house.  It is also sturdy enough for both of us and the two grandchildren!  
 Turn the corner and there you have my veggie garden viewing station.  These chairs are most often used when I need a rest from gardening, or want to sort some seeds.
Think I have overdone the seating area?  No, I dont think so either.
holding thumbs that blogger has sorted out its problems.  I have had dreadful trouble trying to download photos, and even have them turning sideways etc.  I almost gave up, and then I though OH NO what would I do without my blog?
I have learned so much about gardening from other bloggers, and from commenters on my blog. I feel as though there is a great big blog family out there and we all know what the other one is growing, or having trouble with.  Tell me which  area would you like to sit in when you come and visit for a cuppa? 


  1. I'd be happy to sit in any of those seats in your wonderful garden, but to have a snooze or read a book I'd pick the squatter's chair. They are so comfy.

    1. I must say that is the chair that is the hardest to rouse yourself from!

  2. i would sit on the swing, because i do not have one! if i am on a lunchtime walks and i pass a park with a swing, i race over and have a few moments of fun.
    but i would love to survey your vegie garden from those final seats, too :-)

    1. e, I have always loved a swing, and years ago in another garden I had a swing out in the front. A neighbour asked if I would mind her using it sometimes. I said no of course not, and every now and then I would look out and see her sitting there swinging, watching the boats on the river.

  3. I am a sucker for a swing but the stripy chair looks good too. I agree there simply must be places to sit in a garden, even it is only to have a place to rest from all the bending and digging.

    1. Joan, when I look at photos of other gardens I always seem to be drawn to "sitting places" Honestly what is all the hard work for if we never sit down and enjoy it?

  4. It's a lovely garden you've created. I think lots of seating places are nice so you and others can sit and relax in the sanctuary you have created ;-)

    1. Joyful,
      I didnt mention the table and chairs where we often share meals with family and friends, and where I will be holding an afternoon tea this sunday!

  5. Oh, I love the swing, I'd sit there! Sounds like it has a good view of the garden too. I have a few very simple seating areas too.

    1. Alison,
      there is something very calming about sitting on a swing...perfect at the end of the day,

  6. That swing would be my choice, though the canvas chair looks pretty comfy too. Spoilt for choice is a good thing in a garden.

    1. Laura,
      So right I dont think any garden can ever have too many sitting areas.

  7. Sue, I will take that comfy looking canvas chair please. We have a few seats on our little verandah but when it comes to the garden, well you had better like the grass. We are lucky to have some nice grass in the veggie patch to park our bums on. Otherwise I have three milk crates near our chook pen for afternoon viewing pleasure. I really need to rethink our chair arrangements.

    1. Liz, you have such a huge area, I hope to see some garden chair arrangements appearing in your photos soon! watching the chooks should be a great place to while away an afternoon.

  8. Move over, and make some room for Brownie and me on that swing....tea for me and a dog treat for him please.


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