Knee deep in mud

A while back I made room in my little bromeliad bed for the strelitzia, and after languising for about four years, it seemed to like its new spot.  Alongside was the only little patch of lawn I had kept.

 My little ceramic sheep were not doing a good job of keeping the lawn cropped, and then when hubby put a play pool for the grandkids on the lawn I knew I had to reclaim that space for my own!  No blue pastic pools in MY garden!
The only thing to do was to let the water flow out of the pool all over the grassy area.  That made it easier to dig, but my gosh, was it messy.  Instead of showing you the mess, I just have a few photos of some prettiness.  Rex begonia flowers.
 Rex begonia leaves. Is anyone else having problems that blogger is turning their photos sideways, and then they are impossible to turn back again?   grrr.  I am posting this anyway in the hopes that when they are posted they will once again be the right way up.
the area is not quite so muddy anymore, and the beds are now covered with cardboard, so the old grass can rot away - I have put my hippeastrum bulbs in the fridge to see if that will promote flowering....any idea how long they should stay there?

To be continued.


  1. Blogger is an entity unto itself, and can be very temperamental at times.
    Usually when it's acting up, I leave it for a couple of hours, and when I go back it has rectified itself....hope it settles back down for you soon.
    Blue plastic pool in YOUR garden....perish the thought!!!

    1. Haha Virginia - I can see you quite understand :) Yes I often have to send blogger off to the corner to think about the way it is acting....

  2. Begonias are one of my faves. Lovely to see yours.

    1. They are marvellous, arent they? I really dont treat them as well as I should.

  3. Beautiful begonias Gill, you always have something interesting in your garden.
    I also found a couple of my photos were sideways and a few days later I went back to the post and downloaded them again and stayed the right way!

    1. Sami,
      Maybe I should not have been so impatient. Frustrating when they are fine on the dashboard, and then blogger turns them. I do keep saying that I dont need to start anymore projects. that is the end of the lawn though.

  4. Not sure how long you should leave the hippeastrum bulbs in the fridge. Our Winters are cold enough that they flower OK without assistance. I did once leave a pile of bulbs in a rubbish bin for a few weeks and then decided to replant them and they grew beautifully, so I know they are tough.

    1. mine do not flower every year and I have heard that they need a cold snap to bring on flowering. we have had a (for us) cold winter, so am thinking a couple of weeks might do it.

  5. This is very pretty scene. I always left hippeastrum bulbs in the ground and they seemed to grow every year. Your begonia are splendid. Blogger can act up occasionally, so I leave that post to continue another time and then it is usually okay. Leave the plastic pool for the parents backyard - you've been there - done that! The bromeliads are gorgeous too :D

    1. Thank you merryn, yes I do have my favourite plants and I would say the rex begonias are high up on that list. I often muddle through with blogger, not really knowing what i am doing.......


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