From my home to yours swap

A while back I joined up with betty-thewoodfairy for a swap and my package arrived in the mail on Friday.

I feel very spoilt - there were lots of little bits and bobs, a gardening apronand garden twine, a coaster with some earl grey tea.  Lavendar cream, and a lovely tea towel with all the counties labelled - that will be useful when I am looking to see where different bloggers live.  

thank you so much to my swap partner!  Dosie Rosie  who lives in the UK.   She has been having computer trouble so hopefully she is soon up and running again.


  1. Happy gardening and sipping tea, Africanaussie! Have a great week :-)

  2. It's always exciting to receive a gift. Enjoy the Earl grey!

    1. Sami,
      It really is fun - I have my teacup on the coaster here at work and it is brightening up my day. Earl Grey always seems special doesnt it?

  3. How lovely to receive a beautiful parcel from far away :-)

  4. How lovely! such pretty things, your partner did well on the theme! Betty

    1. She sure did Betty. I had to take some out of my parcel to stay within the agreed upon weight and now have told her I will send another package.

  5. what a lovely thoughtful thign to do (and receive!)

  6. What a lovely swap gift....that's a great idea.....I can hear the wheels in my head turning....enjoy.


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