Gardening in waiting

My hubby just sent me a photo of how I left all my shopping spoils last night. It was too late to do anything other than unpack the car and leave it all on the front verandah.  I cant wait for the weekend so that I can get out into the garden and play with all my new stuff...


  1. Ah, garden stuff. There is no better kind of shopping spree. All the hopes and dreams of a gardener sit on that back patio !

    1. so true Kim, I can totally re-plan my whole garden in my mind in one shopping trip.

  2. Your greenery looks inviting. After you are finished with the planting, I'm sure it will be even more appealing. Have fun!

    1. Joyful,
      i had a really good weekend, it will take a couple of blog posts to catch up.

  3. You did GOOD....real GOOOOOD!!!!
    I'm excited for you....Happy Weekend!!

  4. Oh my goodness! I hope you have a wonderful weekend of gorgeous weather to work with your gardening goodies.

    1. LindaLee,
      It was overcast and drizzly but that didnt deter me, and it actually meant it was a little cooler.

  5. Hi, I wanted to return the blog visit and thank you for entering my book giveaway! I've been looking around your blog and you have a lovely place. Very inspiring. :)

    1. Leigh,
      Oh thank you, your book looks awesome. I actually posted it on my hubby's facebook and he is now concerned that everyone will think he has turned into a gardener! thank you for your kind comments.

  6. It looks like you have reaped the rewards of the Bunnings garden trip. You will have a lot of fun with these goodies and who cares if you left it outside, with gardening, everything can wait another day :D


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