Sunbird nest outside our study window

This is the time of year that the sunbirds start to build their nests again.  Our units are bing painted, and we thought for sure that the prospective Dad would get tired of dodging ladders, scaffolding etc, but no, the nest passed the test, and mum-to-be has moved in. You can just see her little head and long beak sticking out of the nest.  It is hanging on the washing line just outside our study window, so a perfect place to keep an eye on her.  The windows are tinted and clearly she cannot see in or at least is not concerned about us inside.

She often comes right up to the window and peers in as if to say "Hi there, are you allright inside?"

Such beautiful chatty little birds, I feel so blessed that they decide year after year to build their nests in our garden.  The male bird has an iridescent blue throat.
These lovely photos were taken by my ever so patient hubby.
More information:  added 21st November:  Further research at The Australian bird page by Trevor tells me this is in fact a yellow sunbird, not a honeyeater!  That is an excellent site - take a look.


  1. This is really interesting because our local honey eaters have a smooth nest.

    1. Hi Louise,
      your comment led me on to research a bit more and I discovered this is in fact a sunbird. We have the olive backed honeyeaters that do not have such a long curved bill. I have never seen their nests, but there was a smooth little nest I once saw in the garden near where they hang out...

  2. Wow!
    Indeed it is so exciting to see a little bird's nest in the garden.
    I have a similar one in my garden.
    They come and drink nectar from most of my flowers.
    They are known as Olive-backed Sunbirds.

    1. James,
      After further research I discovered this is also called a sunbird. I had the name wrong. these love hibiscus flowers and look so cute hanging upside down drinking the nectar!

  3. Replies
    1. Lyn,
      It is great fun to observe them up close.

  4. So wonderful to have a nest just outside your window. They don't seem fazed by the workmen around them then... Hope you will be able to photograph the little ones when they come along.

    1. Sami,
      We had a nest a couple of years ago with four little ones in it - so cute..

  5. Amazing! Their nests remind me of orioles we have here who build hanging nests from the very tips of tree branches. To think you have these beautiful birds nesting so close to your window--they trust you completely. How many little ones do they normally raise?

    1. Karen,
      We only saw the babies in two nests and the one time it was three, one time it was four and they certainly looked crowded! they are such friendly little creatures. When they are in the birdbath I can walk past about two feet away and they are not bothered.

  6. You are soooo very lucky to have such a close-up view of this beautiful bird.
    I don't think any of the birds here on the island build nests like that much detailed work to fashion it to hang ....I'm impressed.
    The award goes to .......patient hubby for taking such wonderful photos.

  7. Wow that's an unusual nest. We have honey eaters here too but they look different to yours. Ours were in fine voice yesterday when I was out hanging clothes on the line. They were happily flitting between the trees. We had baby swallows hatch out and fly the nest recently :)

    1. Tania,
      I have been calling these honeyeaters when in fact they are sunbirds. we have lots of the olive backed honey-eaters but I have never seen their nests. It is a thrill when you see the babies learn to fly and then set off on their own!

  8. what an amazing thing, that they are not scared off by all the building/painting activity! they must know that they will be safe at your place. a spectacular looking visitor!

  9. Indeed, you're truly blessed to have them up-close in your garden, Gillian! How joyous... I can feel your excitement as we had the bulbuls nesting in our garden many moons ago. Those shots by your hubby are so lovely... such patience! We have sunbirds visiting almost daily to enjoy the nectar of our Red Button Ginger but almost impossible to photograph as they take off at the slightest human activity. :(
    Enjoy your blessings!
    Jacqueline from
    (P/S: would appreciate if you could check out my post re commenting at Thanks)


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