Progress on my heirloom quilt

I made some progress on my heirloom quilt this weekend. As I have been sewing this I have been remembering my Aunty Ellen who taught me to chrochet and to tatt. There is a linen hankerchief with tatted edges in one of the squares. I remembered my Gran, and her sister Ester who wore these lacy collars on their evening dresses. I dont know if they made the lace or bought it, but I do remember how they were both always so well dressed. When I was little I used to look at the photo of them sitting out in the garden brushing ther long shiny hair in the sun. Because of that photo I would often catch rainwater to wash my hair in in the hopes that my hair would also grow down to my waist. Alas it never did. When my machine gave me trouble winding the bobbin I remembered the brother sewing machine that I first sewed on. I began sewing my own clothes at about 12, and my mom gave me a clothing allowance to buy fabric and pattern...