The Economics of Happiness and clever plants

We tend to live as sustainably as we can, and the newscasts about governments all over the world going into huge debt boggle my mind.  It seems a huge leap, but ideas like this seem to be the answer.
The gap between rich and poor is ever widening, and the majority of the world is getting sicker and poorer.
 I got this video from Gavin at the greening of Gavin.

The other site that often puts out really interesting information is the Permaculture institute. I reckon any gardener would be fascinated by this.

I know I talk to my plants, but didnt realise that there could be all these other conversations going on.


  1. Took awhile to watch this amazing video about talking plants.
    Totally open a whole new world of understanding them.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. James,
    yes it was a bit long, but gosh very fascinating.

  3. Two very thought provoking videos.....thanks for posting.
    I always knew that my plants understood what I was saying to them, and now I know for sure that the weeds create warfare for my garden by making strategic plans to do so.

    1. I was fascinated by the plant video - nothing is random.

  4. I believe the same... nothing is random. And don't all gardeners talk to their plants? (Sometimes the plants talk back.) :)


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