I have something to tell you.....

Come on in to my garden.... I have something to tell you
 Sit down in the comfy chair  for a little while, and listen to the tinkling of the wind chimes - are you relaxed? Good!
 Remember how I entered that garden competition, and the judges came, and they wandered down my paths, taking photos?
 Yes! I won runner up! a Fifty dollar gift card ........ from a real nursery, not the big box store that I normally shop at.  Oh gosh, how exciting.... I wonder what I will buy?
Thank you Cairns Regional Council!


  1. Congratulations Gillian. Well deserved and I hope you find lots of great things to spend your winnings on.

    1. Roz,
      Thanks so much - I never have any trouble finding something to spend money on in the garden department!

  2. Congrats - that's brilliant news :)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Congratulations Gill, well done, your garden does look very pretty!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS my dear!!!!
    You and your garden deserve it. By golly, they'd better watch out for you next year.
    Now off you go to reap the spoils at the plant nursery and tell us all about it.
    For me I'd get some exotic plants, but I'd also get something I can look back on (like an ornament) that I would have forever, just in case.
    When the grand kids come by, they'd have to listen to you expounding its virtues "Back in 2013 when I first entered the competition....."
    Well done.

    1. Virginia,
      My darling neighbor bought me a white desert rose after I was telling her about your photos! How blessed am I!

    2. You have been blessed by the kindness of your neighbour, that is fantastic news. I'm so happy for you. Thank your neighbour for me as well. Here I was thinking how I could sneak you in some seeds in a package mail delivery, and she has saved me the trouble. Bless her heart.
      Enjoy your new white desert rose.

  6. Congratulations from me too! Wonderful! Did they notify you by mail or a call? I'd have been beside myself! Can't wait to read what you buy; I know it will be excellent. Your garden is so beautiful. Have fun spending that money!

    1. Lesa,
      By call and then they mailed the certificate. I am sure i will have no trouble finding something to buy!

  7. Wow congratulations, your garden is stunning

    1. Sharon,
      thank you - I thought I was following you, but have just corrected it. I will mention your giveaway on my next post.

  8. Oh I'm dancing my happy dance for you... Congratulations sweet friend! Beautiful gardens!

  9. Congratulations, your garden is so beautiful

  10. Oh well done - and so deserved! I love reading about your garden.

  11. I'm going to add my congratulations as well. It's a well-deserved prize, as your garden is just lovely. I can't wait to see what plants you choose to get with your gift card.

    1. Bernie,
      I am hoping to find a dwarf avocado - my neighbor got one there.... How awesome it would be to grow my own avos!

  12. That's amazing. You didn't do too much extra work for this which shows how fantastic your garden is every day.

    1. Laura,
      well I think I am just lucky that the judges overlooked the weeds....

  13. Congratulations. That is awesome.

  14. Well done. Your garden is a credit to you. How are you going to spend your prize money?

    1. Marisa,
      We will be going down on Wednesday, so I am pretty excited.

  15. OMGosh girlfriend! I am so excited for you! Your garden is looking pretty darn good to me too! I'm sorry I haven't been over here, like, forever... I don't know where the days get to! You should be coming up on spring about now, yes? Lucky you, fall is on her way here in New Hampshire so now I have the task of deciding what kind of bulbs I want to plant... decisions, decisions and so little money, LOL!
    Hope you enjoy the week and shopping with your gift certificate... can't wait to see what you buy!:D
    Hugs my sweet blogging sister,
    Beth P

    1. Elizabeth,
      Oh I do look forward to the photos of your lovely bulbs as they come up - we cant grow them here. Yes spring is coming, but our summer is hot and humid - not the best time of the year!

  16. That's great news, and well deserved. I love looking at your lovely tropical garden on your blog. Congratulations!

  17. congratulations to YOU! Well done!!

  18. Fantastic achievement! You go girl. :)

  19. What a beautiful garden. No wonder you were awarded your prize. Very nice.


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