Buds and blossoms in shades of pink

I have a bunch of lovely flower photos and thought they might brighten someones day.  I am often in awe at how beautiful buds are before they open into their full blown glory as flowers.  Take this bud of the Desert rose, such a perfect whorl.
In fact a whole bunch of perfect whorls.
Then slowly one by one they open up into the most perfect trumpet shaped flowers.

The ground orchids stand up firm and proud above the leaves around its base. i think the green ants are part of the fertilization process.

Maybe the leaves know enough not to try and compete with the beautiful flowers.
The Rex Begonia buds are flat unassuming disks but then they unfold into these pretty little beauties.
All these flowers last so long once they open and add continuous colour to my tropical garden.


  1. I am so glad you shared those beautiful, perfect whorls! Your photography is exquisite! They DO brighten my day! Last time I checked in you were dealing with terrible virus or wilt or such and I felt terrible for you, a gardener at heart!! Lord's blessings!!!

    1. Jacqueline,
      I think gardeners tend to take each disaster or triumph totally to heart! Even while a bacterial wilt takes a tomato in the veggie patch so we can find a beautiful bud in another section of the garden. we gardeners are blessed indeed.

  2. Beautiful! I love fresh flowers of all kinds.

    1. Joyful,
      there is something about flowers isn't there?

  3. The buds are just as interesting as the open flowers. however I don't understand what's there is on offer for the ants.

    1. Stiletto,
      I never noticed the ants until I had taken the photo. I know they help pollinate the gingers.

  4. Great photos showing the beauty of some lovely blooms. The Rex Begonias flowers are so under-appreciated aren't they? The foliage tends to take centre stage.

    1. Bernie,
      I totally agree, but what a great plant they are, with spectacular foliage, and then these lovely flowers.

  5. Thanks for brightening up my day with these lovely floral photos.
    My white desert rose has lots of flowers about to open as well.

    1. Virginia,
      Gosh I have never seen a white one - you will have to take photos and share them!

  6. Gorgeous photos, especially of the desert rose, and I get quite envious whenever you share your beautiful ground orchids with us.

    1. Marisa,
      thank you, but I feel a bit of a fake as those ground orchids grow all by themselves. I cant get my regular orchids to flower like yours do!

  7. Oh and you did brighten my day. The flowers are absolutely enchanting, but those ants! Never have I seen such beautiful ants before.

    1. Carolyn,
      well they might be beautiful but they have quite a bite! The aboriginals use them to make lemonade - just soak some in a jug of water, then strain and drink. You can also lick their bum for a lemon taste, but make sure you have the correct end!

  8. I love the buds of flowers almost as much as the flower itself, too. Sort of like seeing a present all wrapped up and imagining what could be inside. I enjoyed reading the posts I've missed, have you heard if you won the Senior Gardening competition? Congratulations on your new routine of walking, I wish I lived closer, we could stroll together to better health. I love your new bag, too, pretty colors!

    1. Karen,
      that is so true Karen. They will announce the winners on Monday. It would be lovely to have a walking buddy, but you seem to be dong really well, and reading about your results motivated me - thank you!

  9. What stunning flowers.



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