I entered a Seniors Garden Competition!

Last week I saw an ad for a garden competition, judging on August 12th and thought, "oh I could enter that!". After popping my entry in the mail I reflected that I have in fact been very slack in the garden lately. So this weekend I made time for a couple of hours gardening. The veggie garden has been the most neglected. A couple of weeks ago I threw a bunch of lettuce seeds into a well composted area. Well yes I know it was well composted because in between the lettuces were tonnes of tomato and passionfruit seedlings. It is so hard not to dislodge the fragile lettuces, and some of them needed to be thinned as well. A little bit more spread out, weeded and well watered, we will see how they go now..... The poly box with the eggplant was moved into the corner to get more sun, and I discovered that some sort of squash seedlings are coming up - I wonder if they are gemsquash?. The paths in the veggie garden are old bits of weed ma...