Companion planting, and moon planting - once again.

I have really enjoyed reading Linda Woodrow's book Permaculture-Home-Garden-  - she has a blog too which I follow  here.  She gardens on a large scale and has lots of chooks, and reckons that if you don't have chooks you should at least have worms.  I have not heard of any successful worm farming in our area - it just gets too hot and humid during the summer.  I am going to try a sort of in ground worm farm with my wicking tomato bins.
She reckons that planting by the moon works, so once again I will give it a try.  After all, the force of the moon pulls the tides in and out, so lets use that force for our gardening if we can.  The waxing moon is when green leafy vegetables should be planted, and the waning moon is when underground crops should be planted. (very loose description.)
I had planned to plant carrots and onions in my perennial bed, and she suggests that they are excellent companion plants :)  The onions take up excess soluble nitrogen, and have antibiotic characteristics that prevent underground rotting.  I have not had much success with onions in the past, but I am hoping these little red onions will do well here.  They should not be heavily mulched.  We are still having an extended wet season, so a sprinkling of mung beans went in first.  This will be turned into the soil to incorporate a green manure.  This adds nitrogen and builds up the nutrients in the soil.  I planted some beans from an old packet of beans I had, and nothing came up, so I looked at my huge package of mung beans that I have for sprouting, sprinkled those all over and look what happened :)  Green manure for pennies.  I like that!

I still have the rosellas in my main bed, and they should be ready to harvest soon.  On the back part of that bed  I have a few sweet potatoes.  In about a months time the weather should cool down and then I will be ready to start planting cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, peppers, and lettuces.  I am not going to start broccoli or kale yet - they like it a bit cooler.
I feel really anxious to get going on my veggie growing this year, but I know that patience and planning will pay off.
The ground orchids are lovely this year, and I cant stop photographing them - I love this deep purpley pink one.

hanging down from the flower seems to be... 
a pink heart!


  1. After your comment on my green manure post I've been thinking about your idea and think I'll try the same when mine run out. A packet of beans is a good, cheap option. I have not had much success with my worms either. I keep cooking them even though they're in the shade!

  2. Veggiegobbler,
    Yes I like the cost of those seeds! Sorry about your worms - I didn't think it got that hot down there, but then this has been an unusual year weather-wise.

  3. You seem to be moving ahead smartly...I like what you have done so far.
    I had never noticed the drooping heart on the ground orchids, now I have to go and check them out.

  4. Dearest Africanaussie,
    Wow, your ground orchid is amazing; Lovely color and shape♡♡♡ And your pictures are wonderful♬♬♬ Thank you very much for sharing, my friend.

    I finally feel a bit warmth today. I see you will be busy and DO hope planting go smoothly.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Good luck with your lunar planting. I've tried it many times and am almost positive it makes zero difference in my garden with my level of skill with my level of observation. I don't see any harm in it as long as you don't plant on the perfect day by the moon only to do it on a lousy day by the weather (flooding rains or baking sun has a much more significant impact than the moon).

    I can't wait to read your posts about the success. I still want to believe in the moon's influence on my crop, I just can't produce the evidence.

  6. All that lovely green and talk of planting your garden have me green pea envious... I'm still buried under about a foot of snow, the latest fell Tuesday and through Wednesday. I fear spring is a ways off for me here in New Hampshire, USA *sigh* But your orchid and gardening post made me feel warmer, :D
    Hugs and much success with the lunar planting,
    Beth P

  7. Looking at your ground orchid, the pretty bloom reminded me of mine. My ground orchid has not flower for such a long time. Happy moon planting :-D

  8. Virginia,
    I find that plants and flowers are always full of little surprises.
    I am glad things are warming up for you, and soon it will be spring.
    I know we both did those experiments, but as you say didn't have much success.
    gosh that does sound cold - glad I could warm you up a bit!
    I hope yours flower soon - mine definitely enjoy the wet humid weather.

  9. Wow how brillaint. I love seeing what you are doing here...xx

  10. I tried moon planted after I read linda's book too, but I just can't stick to it. I'll be interested to know if it works for you....

  11. Love the ground orchid. I must have a chat to my brother (mad orchid enthusiast)to see if I can grow them here.

  12. Amber,
    thanks, I love seeing what you are doing as well...
    I think I never did it properly last time and that is why I wanted to try it again too.
    I have lots of seedpods forming, so if you e-mail me your address I can send you some seeds and you can give it a try.


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