Companion planting, and moon planting - once again.

I have really enjoyed reading Linda Woodrow's book Permaculture-Home-Garden- - she has a blog too which I follow here . She gardens on a large scale and has lots of chooks, and reckons that if you don't have chooks you should at least have worms. I have not heard of any successful worm farming in our area - it just gets too hot and humid during the summer. I am going to try a sort of in ground worm farm with my wicking tomato bins. She reckons that planting by the moon works, so once again I will give it a try. After all, the force of the moon pulls the tides in and out, so lets use that force for our gardening if we can. The waxing moon is when green leafy vegetables should be planted, and the waning moon is when underground crops should be planted. (very loose description.) I had planned to plant carrots and onions in my perennial bed, and she suggests that th...