The tropical wet season

Once the rains start in, everything seems to grow overnight.  I would love to get out and cut some things back, and do some digging, but no - I am being very careful with my back, and just observing the garden from  the safety of the swing.  One of the first plants to herald the arrival of the rains are the bromeliads -
The tips of this one turn a bright pink - like a painted fingernail... My neigbour told me that bromeliads with spikes like more sun...
  I have heard this one referred to as the hurricane bromeliad, so they are right on time. This is  the cyclone season as it is called in the Southern hemisphere.
From this dingy rosette of green leaves a gorgeous flower pops up, and the best thing is that they stick around for weeks.
 another plant showing its colours is the red anthirium - it is a tiny plant, and I got a little pup from my neighbour ages ago - suddenly it has a lovely flower.  Lovely colour - some of my bigger pink anthiriums are more green than pink - I have been wondering  if my soil had too much nitrogen.  Certainly this one has perfect colour.
The ground orchids  are also in their element, and it is the first time that I have noticed them going to seed as the flower dies.
 The beehive gingers are flowering, but you have to peer in between the other plants to see them.
 I really have to thin down the rhoeo border -  it is taking over the little pathway.
Oh well, I will just have to put it on the to do list.


  1. I didn't realise you'd hurt your back. I hope it feels better soon. Don't the plants just love summer. No rain here yet I'm afraid, just plenty of heat. But then we never get a wet season like you do.

  2. Beautiful flowers. Fabulous photos.

  3. I love the wet season - the garden just becomes so wild and free. I'm trying to recreate it here by watering abundantly~!

  4. Your garden is just beautiful, so different from what I can grow here.
    I wish we had some of your rain, we are so dry and I worry about the well.

  5. That rhoeo can certainly take over when you're not looking.
    Leave it alone and pretend you don't see it misbehaving, and give your back the time needed to heal properly...I said so!!

  6. The beehive gingers are so cool. Actually the rhoeo looks great as it is. It would be a pity to thin them out. Even if it gets a bit wild, its still naturally so. Like Virgina said, leave them alone and be kind to your back.

  7. Your garden is so lush and alive!!!
    Good to know that bromeliad flowering season is long. Just got a plant from a kind soul.

  8. Wow, the garden really does love the wet. I assume you do as well. Isn't it glorious to get the rains after the oppressive build-up?

  9. Wow, your flowers are gorgeous! I've never seen (or heard of) a beehive ginger before. How very interesting looking.

    Enjoy your rain. :-)

  10. All the flowers in your garden look lovely. It seems strange to think of this as being hurricane season for some. Stay safe!

  11. Every time I visit I see sweet magical flowers that I can only dream of. That little orchid captured my heart. So lovely. Take care, friend, and enjoy your garden.

  12. Your garden is just amazing, and you have a great variety for a relatively small area. I especially love the brom flower and the anthirium.


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