A challenge - grow your blog

There is nothing like a challenge to get me up and going again.  I haven't wanted to post photos of my overgrown garden until I can get out there and tidy things up a bit.  Until my back heals, squatting down and weeding is a definite no-no.  So this blog has been very quiet for a couple of weeks.
Then I saw this on Louise's blog ......................a blogfest!

Click here for more details.
During the three years that I have been blogging I have found myself venturing out into different categories, and learning so many new things from fellow bloggers.  My list is getting a little stale and maybe needs some re-vamping!  So right on time!  A challenge!  I will be hosting a give-away on my blog this 18th, and hope to discover lots of new friends worldwide.  
This has always been a slow time in my garden -  right in the middle of the hot and humid wet season.  Nothing new is planted, and what is growing has to be willing to stand up to the elements, so the garden is just coasting along, but that doesn't mean my blog has to do the same!  


  1. Interesting challenge Gill. I'm off to visit 2 Bags Full and participate as well. Thanks

    1. Good, I look forward to seeing what you post on the 18th!

  2. Hi dear -- I have just loaded your amazing blog in for my Grow Your Blog party. I look forward to your special post on the 19th. I hope you make lots of new friends at the party!

  3. Off to check out the link. Thanks Gill. Hope your back is feeling better soon.

    1. Tracy,
      I felt like doing something a bit different and this came up at the right time!

  4. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your back, what a shame! I hope you're feeling a little better every day. I just love the flowers in your garden, the colors are heavenly and so very exotic for me. Words like 'luscious' come to mind for those deep pink tones in the blooms.

    1. Karen,
      Thank you, some days are better than others. Glad I could brighten your day with some color although I must say I also enjoy your snowy photos!

  5. You may be thinking that your garden is slowing down in the humid heat, but believe me it's so much better than you think it is.
    Best of luck with revamping your blog.
    Take care of YOU! Hope your back is feeling much better.

    1. Virginia,
      Luckily it is pretty low maintenance, but certain plants can get a little pushy at this time of year and need to be reminded who is boss around here!

  6. OMG, Dearest africanaussie,
    Are you Having backpain? So sorry to hear that as I can guess how much you wish to concentrate on your precious garden. Take a good rest avoiding your heat and GOOD LUCK for your revamping work for your blog♡♡♡

    I DO appreciate your sweet comments for me and so sorry for my absences.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my Australian friend , xoxo Miyako*

    1. Miyako,
      thank you, it is hard to watch everything get out of control in the garden and not do anything about it :)

  7. aloha,

    yes, i've been spread working on different art projects, photography, writing, etc so the garden has suffered alot especially when its been raining alot and not enough to be outside.

  8. You have an amazing blog with the most beautiful photos. I loved reading all the quotes on the right hand side of your blog. I am enjoying reading your blog. Kind regards, Ann, Victoria

  9. Yes, those qoutes are good. Enjoying them alongwith your photos.


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