Wet season - the flowers enjoy it but I wilt a bit!

Last week we had cyclone Oswald meandering around the area to the north of us. We had some flooded roads and a bit of wind, but nothing damaging. This week it has been wreaking havoc to the south of us - thinking of you and praying for those whose houses have been damaged through flooding just after getting back on your feet after the floods two years ago. It was amazing to see the true Aussie spirit shine through and hordes of wonderful volunteers helping others in need. Hopefully it doesn't take long for the floodwaters to subside and the clean up to begin. My garden loves the rainy season, these ground orchids really shine at this time of year. The way these buds are wriggling their way out of the casing reminds me of a fat lady wearing a too tight dress. Like me after Christmas dinner! Ah free! there is something really lovely about white flowers. ...