I have pumpkins :)

I was admiring my garden outside the study window on Saturday, and then I peered a little closer at a dark spot half way up the happy plant....  there is a passionfruit vine and the rampant pumpkin vine
Wow I have a pumpkin, and another, and another. :)
  I don't think any of my fiddling around trying to hand pollinate the pumpkin resulted in a  single hit, but I must have real natural pollinators. How wonderful - to me that means the garden must be in the healthy range.  Most of my neighbours (who use pesticides and fertilizers I might add) told me I would have to hand pollinate.
The vine is really going gangbusters taking over the whole garden.  It must grow a couple of feet every day.  I had already decided it could grow over the middle veggie bed as I wasn't planning on planting anything there this wet season. (well maybe winged beans)  There are still lettuces and kale and carrots that I am enjoying but the pumpkin will have to share for now until those are done.  I was enjoying the baby pumpkins and vine tips, but now that I know I will get full sized pumpkins too I am happier than ever to let it ramble.
Then I also found this cute little seedpod leftover from the crucifix orchid flower.

I never knew that orchids had seeds....
I guess you learn something new every day!

I was playing around with my camera settings and now all my photos are blurry - grr.... I in fact take better photos when I don't even look and let the camera do all the fiddly stuff.


  1. I think you've invented a better way to grow pumpkins in the Tropics (up a tree). I've heard pumkin soup is nice with a nob of cream and a spoonful of passionfruit. You've got both there inyour tree.

    1. Roz,
      I agree, I have to keep trimming it back, but I don't mind since I am eating the shoots, so it is a win-win situation! I normally add yoghurt or sour cream to my pumpkin soup, but must try it with passionfruit - how interesting.

  2. OOOOH pumpkin pie and pumpkin soup.....I'm on my way!

    1. Virginia,
      I am not really a big fan of pumpkin pie, but roast pumpkin and pumpkin soup are both favorites around here.

  3. Hilarious. All that effort to "help" nature by pollinating with a brush and then nature goes ahead and thumbs its nose at you. The point goes to Mother Nature! And the beauty of it is that when she wins, you win.

    1. Laura,
      I know it is funny isn't it? I much prefer leaving it to nature anyway.

  4. That is so exciting! I had to hand pollinate last season and got 12, though we had SO much rambling pumpkin vines. I didn't pull them out though and they are already coming back and one growing up the one fence already has some small pumpkins as well. So I'm feeling your joy too!

    1. Energizer Bunny,
      Welcome here :) I am impressed, I must have a heavy hand or something...

  5. Dearest Africanaussie,
    Oh, I'm really happy for the pumpkin harvests although they are a bit of gangbusters or rambling vines, p;) Interesting to read and see how you are doing, my friend.
    Oh, orchids had seeds (even first to know for you) and the name is the crucifix orchid flower, wow!!!
    Thank you very much for sharing these pictures☆☆☆
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Miyako,
      they can take over a huge area, but I think cutting mine back to a reasonable area seems to be making it strong and healthy. Hugs back to you....

  6. My garden is totally organic too - no pesticides or fertilizer but I still have to hand pollinate. I am really jealous of your natural pumpkins. But don't tell your neighbours maybe your beautiful pumpkins will convince them to abandon their harmful ways.

    1. Garden girl,
      I know some neighbours about 5 kms away have bees, so maybe they come over for a drink...

  7. It must be so exciting to harvest those pumpkins. I know the feeling one gets with your very own harvest. In the first picture admist your rambling pumpkin vine, I spied a papaya tree and Allamanda violacea, all living in happy co-existence.

    1. Stiletto,
      Oh yes my garden can get a little overgrown at times - everything is ready for a good pruning before the wet season starts, otherwise everything will be lost in the jungle.


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