Hidden treasure

I did manage to spend a full afternoon out in the garden, weeding, cutting back and unearthing hidden treasure!  This little area is so colorful, and deep under the branches there were hippeastrums flowering!
 This little one is the first to flower and I hope will soon be followed by the huge, blowsy, over the top, striped ones that were so pretty last year.
 Who needs to live in a country with "seasons" when I get fall colour throughout the year? This croton is really colorful, throughout the year.
I also noticed that  the ground orchids have buds peeping up - oh great - I have not had any flowers since the lychee tree was pruned.

Once the sprawling tomato plants were staked up I discovered lots and lots of anthiriums just waiting to show their pretty colors.
 These are the backbone of my garden, and just keep re-producing - the flowers last so long.

Gingers are shooting up from the ground  and there is a bud on the sexy pink lady heleconia, so I think colour has come to stay in the garden. 


  1. Spring has definitely sprung in your garden. Everything looks so wonderful. You've certainly got lots of great colour. It's terrific to see the Ground Orchids starting to bloom again, and that little Hippie is beautiful. I'm drooling over your lush green grass too! Down here of course, it's Brownsville again at this time of year.

    1. Bernie,
      I also have to realize that a lot of the plants are enjoying the sunshine after the lychee tree was pruned way back. It is all a balancing act isn't it? Oh we have had quite a bit of rain already....

  2. Dearest Africanaussie,
    OMG, your garden is so colorful and it is really wonderful you are taking advantage of living where you are and enjoying these flowes♬♬♬
    I cannot wait to see your picture of the Ground Orchids, my friend♡♡♡
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to Australia, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Miyako,
      Thank you, yes the tropics has some beautiful plants and I am happy to share!

  3. I love your garden, so many exotic, gorgeous plants and lush foliage. Coming from a garden that has four distinct seasons, I can tell you you're absolutely right about color....here we have three months of coaxed and prodded blooms and then nine months of snow. Well, ok, not nine months, but more like five months of brown and four months of snow. (Does that add up to twelve? Ack, it's Monday, and I can't do the math.)

    I love to visit you, always so much to ooh and ahh over!

    1. Karen,
      Well your luscious garden seems to just appear like magic every spring, but I guess there must be some hard work involved :)

  4. I love it when gardens thrive on neglect. All that beauty just waiting for you to go looking for it!

    1. Laura,
      in this area it is more about cutting back than planting.

  5. True hidden treasures indeed....I love finding treasures of the garden variety.
    Hope you discover lots more treasures about to emerge to be enjoyed in their natural beauty.
    Keep looking.

    1. Virginia,
      there always seems to be some surprise out there once you start looking.

  6. It looks great. I wish some of these varieties thrived here. I'm enjoying your springtime changes.

    1. Rohrerbot,
      I think your climate is as different as one can get forma tropical one.

  7. Great display of colour!... yea, that pink lady is really sexy.. haha.

  8. Wonderful colours as usual! I just love ginger plants and all the different formations they have.


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