Sunshine and rain brings out the colors

Look at the big branches of the lychee tree! - there are new little branches shooting up all over the place :)  Aren't they cute?

 I moved the ponytail palm out from under the gazebo to give us more room for entertaining, and it too seems to like the sunshine.   We have had some rain, and the skies are mostly cloudy, but  that just means the plants have had some time to adapt to more light, and gosh they all seem to be loving it.  There are still plenty of ratty looking leaves, and bare spots, but all in all I think recovery is good.
The caladiums are also popping out all over the place - they were trampled right down during the tree lopping, but seem none the worse for wear.   This one I got from my neighbor - what a huge leaf!
 I love this native ginger - it doesn't seem to have any flowers but with the underside of the leaf being red it actually is always adding color.
 Another caladium popping out and enjoying the sunshine is this speckled one.  I don't remove the bulbs and replant - just leave them to naturalize and spread wherever they want to.
 The anthiriums have come through with flying colors, and are all looking quite happy again.
Everyone wants this unseasonable rain to stop, but I must say that my garden is just loving it.


  1. The grey skies came at just the right time for your garden - to give the plants a chance to adapt to losing their shade.
    We have ponytails growing in full sun (they are in the ground though) but I think it will have no problems with the move. They are pretty tough.

    1. Definitly! Those ponytails are tough - they have razorsharp edges, my arms are full of little cuts :(

  2. I think your wonderful foliage plants are as lovely as any flower. Your caladiums are outstanding! Here, I must dig my caladiums, then replant in the spring. I try to avoid extra work, so I only have a few of them.

    1. Deb,
      I am developing a real love for foliage plants, the flowers seem to be a bonus!

  3. I love that speckled caladium, it looks like someone sprinkled confetti on it.

    1. Alison,
      I have heard it called paintbrush caladium

  4. Oh how I love your caladiums! The little branches popping up are absolutely fascinating:) It's always amazing how new growth will appear out nowhere.

    1. Rohrerbot,
      I was very interesting to see how the new growth would appear, so I am also fascinated by the little branches reaching skyward.

  5. Gorgeous photos. The speckled caladium is amazing.

    1. thank you, and welcome. Your blog looks very interesting - I will be following along.

  6. The caladium with speckled leaves certainly looks interesting. YOu have wonderful foliage. -- Bom

    1. Bom,
      I am learning now which foliage does better with more sunshine and light :0

  7. Your lychee had a great opportunity to just sit back and rest but it looks like it's going to be an overachiever. Like everything in your garden.


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