Slow recovery

The area under the tree is still looking a bit sad, but here are there are signs of new life - a new shoot, or bud, a downtrodden plant perking up.  The anthirium leaves got very sun burnt, but there are new buds, so I think all is well.

I thought the African mask was quite a hardy plant, and that too suffered for  a while but now I see new growth.

 I got a couple of cordeline branches from the markets - just to fill in a few bare spots.  I like this one with the white pink and green. Cordelines are so easy to propagate - stick a branch into the soil and watch them grow!
I also filled a few blank spots with some bromeliads, and they have turned a lovely red in the center..

The branches that already has leaves are sending out new shoots, even the lopped off branches are showing  signs of new life.  I don't know how long it will be until we have shade, but the garden is adapting.

I still have a shade cloth over my most tender plants, and I guess that will stay until there are some more leaves on the branches above that section.
The flowering plants seem happier to have more sun - inpatients and balsam, and the ground orchids are sending out new leaves.  Still not pretty enough for a long view though - that will have to wait.....


  1. I think the recent rain has probably been very helpful in getting your plant back onto the road to recovery. It's great to see the shoots appearing and the new leaves popping out on your tree. Love the new Cordyline and Bromeliad!

    1. Bernie,
      Very true, and with the rain we have also had cloud cover which is not so harsh on the newly exposed plants.

  2. Hopefully you'll have a bit more shade before Summer hits. Aren't cordylines great. I like anything that will give you new plants and that one is beautiful.

    1. Roz,
      I almost feel like I am cheating with plants like that, as the gardener does nothing!

  3. Dearest africanaussie,
    I think I can see the sunshine very clearly from your wonderful pictures!
    Well, it is good to know that your plants are surviving.
    It is pouring right now here and it seems the rainy season is lingering on...
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Miyako,
      I saw there was some dreadful flooding in Japan - stay safe.

  4. Oh that Anthurium (you call it anthirium?) looks big, and serendipitously, it is also at the old post links below your present post. It is well open there, lovely.

    1. Andrea,
      I have seen some really large ones, and some beautiful colors - I think I might have to treat myself to some more varieties.

  5. Glad everything is recovering. It will take time but you will adjust.

    1. Fiona,
      I do miss the shade, but am sure it will not be too long now before we have some.

  6. I like cordilines and bromeliads too. Soon your garden will back to normal.

    1. Sami,
      Yes some of those plants are actually doing better with more light.

  7. Isn't nature amazing. I think sometimes we doubt it's ability to survive unless we protect it and nurture it but clearly your back garden is going to be beautiful with or without your help. Maybe even in spite of your help in this case :-)

    1. Laura,
      Yes some of the plants are definitively enjoying more light.

  8. You have so many beautiful plants in your garden. Oh, those cordylines; gorgeous!

    1. Karen,
      That is why blogging is so marvelous, as I can then go and enjoy your huge pots of petunias which I cannot grow here :)

  9. I love seeing new shoots pop up, new leaves and things are usually so soft and smooth to feel. Wont' be long before it is going crazy :)

    1. KJ,
      At first I was dismayed, but now it is a new adventure to see everything recovering.

  10. I don't think you will have too long to wait. Everything seems to be coming along beautifully. I love the pink, green and white palette.

    1. Marisa,
      I do seem to have those colors don't I?


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