Arbour day

I am so grateful for the few trees that I have in my small garden. The lychee tree, now that it has been pruned way back is not providing the shade and shelter that it used to for the many brids that visit our garden. On Saturday morning as I sat enjoying my breakfast  out in the garden I noticed about 25 birds fly into the weeping tea tree. I just sat and enjoyed their chatter - clearly they found something to nibble on - or else they were vandals as there were lots of snipped off branches being flung to the ground. I ran to get the camera, and they flew away - never to return... This is where they were though :)

Behind the fence are lots of big trees in my neighbours garden, so I am not tree less at all!  I like the way my garden seems bigger because of this.  Even though the big shady tree has been vastly reduced down there are plenty of other trees around.  No room to plant another one for arbour day though, so I just enjoyed the trees I had. This little area is certainly enjoying more sunshine.
I love these heart shaped caladium leaves back and
This purple salvia has lain dormant for about two years, just waiting for some sunshine I guess...
The rex begonia is really strutting its beautiful flowers.  Funny I always thought they preferred shade!
Yup I would say this is one section that is  not missing those big shady branches.

What did you do this arbour day - plant a tree or just enjoy the ones you have already?


  1. It's amazing how many of the same plants we grow. Your garden looks very tropical in nature.

  2. I had to laugh at the birds taking off as soon as you got the camera. Ours do the same. I planted trees to attract birds and they do come and eat the fruit but as soon as I go anywhere near with a camera - woosh!
    That area does seem like it appreciates the extra light at the moment. Caladiums here die back as soon as the weather turns cold so it's nice to see yours flourishing.

    1. That's funny I thought that caladiums were a winter plant. I thought I had killed them off, but it seems they were dormant during the wet season.

  3. It's the horrible summer sunshine the Rex Begonias and Impatiens don't like. I move my Rexs out into more sunnier spots in the shadehouse during our winter and they love it. Those plants are certainly enjoying the sunny drenching and the whole area looks fabulous. What a wonderful surprise to find that Salvia popping up. It's a shame you didn't manage to get a shot of the birds. They can be very hard to capture.

    1. Bernie,
      You have had some great bird shots lately - maybe you are more patient than I am :)

  4. Your garden is looking beautiful as always, African Aussie!

    1. thanks Kim, well I only show you the good parts lol!

  5. Don't you just love bird chatter? Funny how much I hate the noise of cars in the distance or music coming from a neighbour's house but a bird can be as loud as it wants (and in flocks, they can be very loud) and I just eat it up.

    I hope your shade loving plants don't get too used to all that sunshine because I'm sure your lychee is going to spread its dense foliage soon and they'll be back to sitting in the dark.

    1. Oh yes sometimes the birds can get quite noisy here too! I hope that little corner will take a while to get full shade like it had.

  6. Wow everything is so pretty.
    I can't believe that rex begonia is growing in full sun...they only do well for me in dappled count yourself lucky.
    Maybe it's a bird thing, but my birds always sense when I'm off to get my camera too!!

  7. Your garden so beautiful and lush with so many kinds of plants. Remind me of my tropical home.

  8. Such pretty tropical lushness! I know what you mean about appreciating what few trees you can fit. We have a small lot here, covered with a really big house, pool, and garage...very little garden area. But I too "borrow" my neighbor's tree views! : ) The critters appreciate them too.


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