sharing the love

I keep meaning to partake in more simple acts of kindness - this reminds me how rewarding it can be.

All of the gardeners I know are totally enamored with Costa, who is now our Gardening Australia host.  A wild looking, heavily bearded man, into permaculture, chook poo and all things earthy :)  I have been following along on his blog and there is a wonderful giveaway open to anyone in the world - just click on this link removed.  It looks like a great book - just the kind of principles I like to adhere to in my garden.

NOTE:  After reading a comment below from Kristen I am not so enamored by Costa anymore.  It seems that he scrapped the content from sustainablesuburbia .  I really thought that he stood for higher values. Isn't it funny that I talked about principles.  I think the majority of garden bloggers are happy to share links and given credit where it is due.  It gives us more time to garden when we are not busy chasing after who is stealing our content.


  1. Yes, Costa has a wonderful, infectious attitude and he seems so busy, always on the go and doing something. I follow along on his page too and Facebook too, it is good place for inspiration and information.

    1. Tracy,
      He does make you think you can do anything doesn't he? I love his permaculture outlook.

  2. Didn´t know he had a blog, will go and visit now. He looks weird for a tv presenter, but he is so enthusiastic and lively, that it´s actually fun to watch.

    1. Sami,
      He has certainly brought a new face to Gardening Australia!

  3. Thanks for sharing the love, off now to read his blog....

    1. See Kirstens comment below - it seems all is not right on Costa's blog.

  4. Dearest Africanaussie,
    Oh, Mr. Costa sure look wild and also a lovely looking man who has the knowledge of permaculture. Good Luck for the book, my friend.
    And I enjoyed the video you pasted; Acts of Kindness and Boomerang Effect♡♡♡

    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Cool - thanks for the info - haven't heard of Costa and look forward to finding out more about him.

  6. Unfortunately I've just discovered that Costa's website has been illegally scrapping (copying and republishing, without credit no less!) all the content from my own site, Sustainable Suburbia, (and I'd guess the same applies to all the other material in the category "costa's friends").

    I'm giving away that book, but I very much doubt he is! So if you want to enter the draw you'll have to do it at not on his blog.


    1. Oh no! My apologies Kirsten. I am so sorry to have been a part of that! I posted this on that site - hope he reads it!
      "I have just discovered that I sent a bunch of my readers to your site for this giveaway Costa! see above comment that this was scrapped from the sustainable suburbia blog. I am pretty upset by this as I was so excited about Costa joining Gardening Australia. This is not what the gardeners of Australia stand for. We write our own content and assume others will respect that. Please don't continue this. We want to hear what Costa says - you have enough good material that I am sure you don't have to steal content from others. Simply put in a link if you have something you would like to share."

    2. Thanks! I was pretty disappointed too (as well as annoyed of course) - but it's all good now - it seems that it really was a genuine mistake, and they have fixed it. The idea was to promote other sites within the community - community building, you know, not stealing! they just had the details of how to make it work wrong!

      Anyway, I think I was able to contact all the people who had commented on my post over there to let them know they needed to comment on the original to be in the draw, and the articles in his 'friends of costa' section really do link back to the originals now, rather than being reproduced there, so no harm done!

  7. Dearest Africanaussie,

    Well, you too discovered some 'Parasitic' writers that don't care about Plagiarism. I too spent quite some time reporting a high number of people (mostly women...) that took my blog's photos and pinned it on Pinterest without ever bothering my copyrights. It is my time and effort and all personal. So I did report them one by one. Now I do have added on my blog that photos are No-Pinterest. But you're right, all our precious time and effort and others want to get the honors. Somebody got your lipstickplant... You better check it out.
    This link you can use to check your items. Just save it some place.
    Have a great mid-week and love to you,


    1. I do wish Pinterest would make a clear requirement that if people want to have their items 'pinned' they can have a pinterest button on their site, and if it's not there, don't pin it!

  8. Glad there's a happy ending to this. I read this post after Kirsten's comment and I didn't know what to do. It looks like Africanaussie, Kirsten and Costa all handled it really well. Hat's off to you.


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