One of the most tropical flowers is the orchid, but I am a pretty lazy gardener, and somehow orchids always seem a  lot of trouble.  Living here though, I have found myself on occasion being gifted with or even buying an orchid or two.   A while back I moved my crucifix orchid out to the back fence, and with just a few rays of sunshine it began to bloom.  Oh Happy days!
Maybe the orchids need more light in order to bloom, although the white one loves its spot under the shade of the lychee tree and this is the second time it has bloomed this year.  I love the white among all the tropical green leaves.   I have a few other orchids hanging from a bamboo stake in that corner.

 While walking on the windswept beach after our storm I came across this bit of flotsam - I thought it might be  the trunk of a tree fern, but not sure as it is a conical shape.  I brought it home and it fitted right in between the branches of the weeping tea tree.
 The inside is very open and spongy, but the outside is firm, with little holes that will allow for good drainage.  A perfect orchid pot!  I have an orchid that has very long thick branches that need more support, and so I thought they might do better in this tree.  The don't flower in the shade either, so maybe a bit of sunshine will spur them into flowering.
 I also have an orchid in an old copper jug - I once heard that orchids like copper.  I cant get it out of the jug now, so tied that to the tree as well.  It has drainage holes in the bottom.  I think it looks rather pretty with all the assorted containers tied to the tree with their orchids in them.  Now we just have to wait for some blooms....
 The lipstick plant is blooming again and I read that it is also part of the orchid family.
So I guess I am  now into orchids by default.


  1. I am scared stiff of Orchids, they all seem to die on me, but my son says I kill them with kindness and overwatering. Maybe I need to hang mine outside on a tree and see if I have any more success......

    1. I have seen orchids just tied to a tree with a bit of old stocking and they always seem to be in bloom. The owners insist they do nothing ;)

  2. I haven't had an orchid for a long time but was just given a piece to last week. I am hoping it is one that will handle our climate. Yours look lovely.

    1. I hope it does well for you - it sounds as though it is indigenous to your area, which will help.

  3. Yes, you are into Orchids! LOL. That new finding looks lovely, I think it would be nice for Bromeliads as well. I can imagine when those orhids in flowers, how pretty that tree will look like.

    1. I guess so.... Oh yes I hope I will soon be showing you photos of all those orchids flowering - wouldn't that be marvelous!

  4. I really love the lipstick plant you posted! I have never seen it before, but it is amazing!

    1. Yes I am so glad it is loving that position - I had it for a few years before I settled on that position where it seems happy. The little red flower pops out just like red lipstick!

  5. Wow, love your photos. What a great and pleasant way to start my week. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Oh you are welcome - glad I could brighten your week.

  6. Your white Orchis is a stunner! I mist my orchids with a fine spray of rain water once a week here in the uk but have done it twice this week as we are having Aussey weather! Love the flotsam an Orchid will love that.

    1. The white is nice in that shady corner. Oh my orchids are not going to get any special treatment like fine misting :)

  7. I wonder what your find actually is (besides an orchid container). It looks very intriguing, and perfect in the tree waiting for the orchid to do its thing.

    1. I think it must be something like a tree fern as they have a very spongy texture. The outside is hard though.

  8. You've obviously given that white orchid the right conditions - it's stunning. I am terible with orchids. Never bought one, but been given a few over the years. I've always kept them in the greenhouse and the poor things either die or worse - they don't die but never flower again and just look unhappy. Maybe hanging them from a tree is the answer

    1. I am the same and swear off them until I find I suddenly have lots of them!

  9. Thanks so much for stopping by and giving me a thumbs up in the enthusiasm department.

    I loved roaming your garden and I sure like the "orchid pot" you found. Now THAT is natural gardening at its best.

    All joys,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

    1. Oh you are welcome - I love your writing. I am often picking up things on the beach - seaweed or something..

  10. Dear Africanaussie,

    You do have a lovely blooming orchid and that conical thing you found will house orchids perfectly.
    Wishing you good luck with all your gardening.
    Enjoy your Sunday.

  11. Great pics and I love your piece of unusual flotsam. I like to display bits and pieces like this around our garden and yours is a great functional piece.


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