Garden edging and paths with high sides

We had a long weekend, so that was a great excuse to do some shopping and also gardening.   I picked up some plastic garden edging.  I had originally thought of bricks, but they were out of my budget.  Here is where you enter butterfly alley
 and this is where you come out.
I think what makes it so lovely is the fact that there are fairly high plants on either side - enclosing you in green. I would definitely recommend doing this in any garden if you can.   I have tried to zoom in and make sure, but I think there is a butterfly just hanging out in the middle of the photo!!!  That particular plant has some little red flowers that the butterflies love. I love to see birds and butterflies hanging out and enjoying the garden. I am so glad that I made this path. :)
 The veggie garden is looking more perma-culturish every day.
the herbs in the herb spiral  are happy too - especially now that they have a nice layer of mulch.  I am just waiting until the parsley in the lower layer get a little bigger and then I will add mulch there too.  I prefer to sow the seeds in the bed - they don't seem to like to be transplanted.
Gosh I love hanging out in the garden.


  1. Ah I forgot you had a herb spiral - I have just got a bunch of bluestones and was thinking about doing one too, I like the look of yours.

    1. Yes it originally was much taller and tighter, but I like it this way with bigger planting areas between the rocks.

  2. Butterfly Alley is looking so wonderful. It would be a great spot to just wander along enjoying the visiting butterflies, the blooms and the great foliage. Your herb spiral is just doing so well and it looks great too.

    1. thanks Bernie,
      I was just thinking the other day that I don't have any more projects in mind....maybe I will just sit back and enjoy it all for now.

  3. I love your alleys, but most especially that black plastic edging. Is that ordinarily available in your area? We dont have it here, i need something like that too. And that white bloom in the 2nd photo, is that Eucharis grandiflora? Mine also blooms 8 months after plantting.

    1. Andrea,
      I haven't seen it before, but it is quite thin and bendable so was easy to form around the curves. We call it Eucharist Lilly so that sounds right. It is nice to have a bit of white to brighten the shady areas.

  4. Beautiful a sight to gladden any heart, love that you caught a Butterfly hanging out in your Alley....

    1. Maureen,
      Glad you enjoyed it, and isn't it funny that I only noticed the butterfly after taking the photo!

  5. What lovely nice!

  6. I can't believe how beautiful this alley is now. You've posted so many photos over the year I've been following you and you're transforming it into something very special. You should be proud.

    1. Laura,
      thanks, I think completing this path has changed the garden more than anything else I have done.

  7. Dearest Africanaussie,
    Wonderful Job, isn't it!!! Oh, herb spiral...
    Happy for you that your alley is turned into this beautiful spot.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Miyako,
      Now I have noticed how easy it is to sit in the swing admiring it all and getting very lazy :)

  8. Chez,
    everything seems to be settling in well, although we are having a lot of wind lately and that stressed the heleconia and gingers as they don't have deep roots.

  9. Your butterfly walk is beautiful. I love that you can walk through it and not just beside it! I was trying to pick out veggies in the garden... I think I saw fennel!
    So nice to stop by and have a walk around your garden!

    1. Hi Yvonne,
      thank you, yes I also love the feeling of being enclosed in greenery! Oh! I have dill in the herb spiral - that must have been what you saw. I don't know if fennel will grow here. I tried it once without much success, but might try it again.

  10. Ohh what a beautiful paradise your butterfly walk is. I think direct-sowing and thin them later is much better rather than transplanting.

    1. Malay Kadazan,
      I just put a few seeds in the empty spots in my veggie garden this weekend. I am growing the purple carrots this year - I remember how yummy yours looked.

  11. Your garden is wonderful. In particular the pathway.

  12. Love your butterfly is so green and inviting. My own butterfly path is one of my favorite places to meander every morning and evening. My path is on a slope, and I hope to terrace it properly some day...a project forever in progress.


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