Croton foliage

This little area has had an assortment of different plants, and then I put in a  few different crotons which have lovely colorful leaves.  No need for flowers when you have colorful foliage.  The grass is still battling here - I think the gardener whippersnips it too close to the ground.  It could also get too much shade, or not enough water, gosh all the different options, it is just a little bit of grass why doesn't it just grow?
anyway .............back to the colorful crotons, which seem to be growing just fine.

 I just love the colors.
and the wavy edges

so glad I planted these beauties.
I know it is very late but I am linking to foliage follow up for May here


  1. Crotons are a wonderful plant, aren't they. I'm always amazed at the different leaf colours even on the one plant. It sometimes seems like no two are exactly alike.

    1. I know Missy, I often see another one I think I would love to add to my collection.

  2. Love your crotons. I've tried growing this plant here as an experiment....doesn't do so well:) Love how it looks in your garden.

    1. I would have thought you could grow it there.

  3. Don´t think I had ever seen this plant, but certainly looks beautiful. I was just searching the net for it, and it says it´s a house plant. I suppose it survives there as it´s under shade and you don´t get the extreme heat of Perth. Sadly would not survive in my garden...

    1. I don't think it really loves the humidity, but does like to be well watered.

  4. I have a wall of these beautiful plants in my garden I love the fact that they give you so much colour while being so easy to look after.....

    1. Oh gosh a whole wall - you will have to post some photos...

  5. Oh , the colours! What a vivid pink...I wonder why vivid colours grow in the tropics and here it is more earth colours? I might have to find a warm place and see if it will grow here.

    1. Kim,
      It is true that a lot of our plants and flowers are quite vivid colors. Maybe since in nature our planting is denser the flowers need to be more visible for pollinators?

  6. That is a gorgeous croton! I haven't seen that cultivar before. Do you know its name?

    1. Oh no, you know me, it is just the green and red one as opposed to the multicolored one, or the green and yellow one - sorry!

  7. Your croton looks so healthy. I have about six of them in the front garden, which were planted by the previous owner. This past year, I saw they are getting black things on the leaves, and dying. I had to remove them all just a couple of weeks ago. Yours are absolutely gorgeous!

    1. Oh no I am sorry to had to get rid of yours. I wonder if it was mildew that your plants had - I think they can be quiet prone to mildew if they are very thickly planted. If you have any left maybe a prune to thin them out and then a spay with milky water might be an option.

  8. I love your crotons! The wonderful thing about crotons is that there are so many different varieties that you can never truly know them all. I have never seen ones like the pictures that you have posted and they are just marvelous!


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