Lots of rain

Our long drought  has at last been broken!  It is very strange here to have months with absolutely no rain, but this last week it has rained very day!   I also have been without telephone and Internet all week, so no way to post any of my fabulous photos as the garden comes to life with all the rain!  When it rains here it really rains, but the tropical flowers love it - look at this sodden hibiscus.
 The cannas that I moved into an area that get lots of standing water during the wet season are very happy.  It is not a big enough area to really be defined as a swale, but it works the same way.
 Look at the gorgeous red and yellow together - nature can be so flamboyant some times cant it?
 Little lipstick cases are forming on my lipstick plant, but so far they are empty.  I took a few cuttings in another pot and they are doing well, so now I have two pots of this magnificent plant.
 My bougainvillea cutting has also done well and this is a very soft peach colour - it looks lovely next to the hot pink.
 The amaryllis just keep on flowering - we think we must have already had at least 20 blooms and there are more showing their heads every day!
 I never tire of the detailed colours on their flowers.
Oh, the plants in my garden love a good rain. 


  1. You lucky devil! Decent heavy rain and blooming Amaryllis! No, I'm not the slightest bit jealous.

    I've been noticing the weather reports from up there. It's really been bucketing down by the looks of things. We've had some very light sprinkles here, but that's about it.

    It's lovely to see your Lipstick plant again, and the Canna bloom is brilliant.

  2. Deszcz był zbawieniem dla roślin i teraz cudnie wyglądaja. Pozdrawiam

  3. I am so happy to hear you're receiving rain; there is nothing like rain to perk up a garden (and the gardener!) To have amaryllis bloom in my garden would be such a treat, around here they are relegated to blooming on my kitchen counter.

    Love the flowers you've shared today!

  4. You have some beautiful flowers, even the sodden Hibiscus! Glad you got rain. Love the canna, and the red streaks on the Amaryllis.

  5. I just love coming to visit your garden. It has become very dry here after only a few days of Summery dry heat, so it was nice to visit something a bit cooler and shadier.

  6. And I L.O.V.E. your images! You live in an amazing part of the world. Don't forget to add your thumbnail to my walking challenge.

  7. Bernie,
    Oh I am sure you will get some soon! Cutting the tops off your amaryllis didn't force them to bloom?
    Plants do somehow look happier after the rain don't they?
    This has definitely been a great year for amaryllis, and they actually liked that dry spell before flowering.
    thank you! I am enjoying the color int he garden lately.
    come in, wander around! You can actually feel the temperature drop once you step into my back garden. :)
    Oh! the internet has been out, so I just added a link to this page - will do a "proper" walk next time!

  8. Wow! Just love the vibrant red of your Canna, Gillian... so striking and you've captured it so well!

  9. The colours in your garden are so vibrant, they instantly make my heart sing! And to have glorious rain...Oh, you are so fortunate! It has been threatening here for several days, but not a drop has fallen, yet. We're obviously moving into our dry season, but could still benefit from a few drenching showers before that happens. I just LOVE coming to stroll around your beautiful garden! As always, thank you for sharing it with us :)


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