Desert rose and other flowers

The desert rose is once again in full flower.  This is an amazing plant, it flowers almost continuously.
 Look at the detail of the little white cup inside the pink flower
 If you have been following my blog for a while you will know that I have been frustrated by my hippeastrums not blooming.  Well I think they need the leaves to die down.  I chopped the leaves off of these and look what happened - they are sending out buds :)
 The passionfruit vine is loaded with flowers and soon the ground will once again be littered every afternoon with the delicious sweet fruit.  When you walk by the vine you are surrounded by their sweet scent.
 the orchid is enjoying its little sheltered spot.  they say they need sunshine, but this one is in a very sheltered spot, so who knows - I think they have a mind of their own.
The rex begonia is flowering - what a lovely plant this is.  The foliage is stunning, and from one little slip I now have two brimming pots.
I love this time of year here - the sugar cane is all cut and you can see for miles......... the humidity has not started yet, but it is warm enough to be swimming every afternoon. Then I look around my garden and see beauty in every corner.  I feel very blessed and I do think I live in paradise. 
I am playing with a surprise gift and will be posting a giveaway next week so watch out for it.


  1. Lovely flowers. It really is spring in your side of the world.

  2. Now you know just how big a fan I am of Begonias, so it was a real pleasure to see someone else showing off the lovely dainty flowers of these plants.

    Love your Desert Rose. I have two little babies and they're growing so slowly, I think it will be a while until I see blooms.

    It looks like you've figured out the secret with those Hippies. Mine are still not pulling their weight and they might be on the compost pile very soon.

  3. Beauty in every corner? That sounds soooo good! You are right though. All the photos you posted are gorgeous. I have desert rose too and they do bloom continuously and require barely any care.

  4. Ale cudowne kwiaty. Smutno, że takie nie mogą rosnąć w naszych ogrodach.Pozdrawiam serdecznie

  5. Solitude Rising,
    It is still really dry here this year, but the flowers know spring is here already.
    Gosh I hanker after Begonias like yours :) I think Desert Rose is very slow growing, but once they are happy they seem to bloom continuously. I do hope you try cutting the leaves back before you bin your hippies.
    Thank you. I so enjoy wandering through the garden with my camera in hand.
    Sometimes I look at the flowers you grow and wish I could grow them.....but at least we can share them online.

  6. You do live in paradise. I have a desert rose that I bought several years ago... it resides here in my office. It has bloomed twice. Can't seem to figure out what I'm not doing right... but I persist. Your blooms are amazing.

  7. Your garden truly is a glorious sight. That Desert Rose is a beauty! So glad about your Hippeastrums...what a clever plan that was to cut them back to force flowering! You have me drooling over your Passionfruit already. Hope your crop is as generous as it was last season! Wish I were there to enjoy a few, too :)

  8. Carolyn,
    I know how lucky I am, and it is such a joy to share the photos of my garden with fellow gardeners around the world. They like the humid weather, so maybe a misting every now and then?
    well I had nothing to lose, like Bernie I had decided they were going into the bin if they didn't do something. That is the cool thing about the internet, I learn something new all the time.

  9. Gillian, your Desert Rose is simply gorgeous! We have difficulty getting our 3 pots of dwarf varieties to bloom and thinking of trashing them. What's your secret in getting them to bloom year round? Even blooming occasionally will be bliss! :)

  10. Jacqueline,
    Oh they seem to be quite picky plants - I have noticed lately that the leaves are going a bit yellow. I often get little white flying insects that gather on the underside of the leaves. I do let them dry out between watering, and only water about once a week until soaked. While the rest of my garden is organic I have started lately sprinkling a little npk fertilizer on the pots since they don't have the deep soil to find the nutrients they need. good luck with yours, and hang in there.


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