While I wasn't looking

Life has taken precedence lately, and the garden has had to muddle on all by itself.  Valiantly fighting weeds and struggling "gasp" to find some liquid nourishment.   This week we have had a bit of rain, and when I found a few moments I wandered outside to find........Amaryllis  buds :)  How cool - I had said that if they didn't flower this year they would have to go.  I guess they thought they better show some action...
 so far one flower set has opened up, but there are lots more buds waiting their turn for the spotlight.

Yes little lovely you were worth the wait.....

Soon this amaryllis and bromeliad bed will have lots of flowers.

One of the amazon lilies is also flowering, and I think once the wet starts we will have more.
 I even have some orchid buds!  I had no idea what type of orchids they were, but just shoved the whole lot into an old wire waste paper basket and hung it up on the fence.  Every now and then I remember to water it, so forgiving - look how it rewards me :)  This is what makes having a garden worthwhile.

Even though I have done no gardening for over a month the garden has continued on valiantly on its own.     But I am back and ready to take on the world - well the garden at least!  Where to start?
The bouganvilla needs a huge trim........... I never realized how much work this would take in order to look good.

I have been blessed with little gifts...  seeds from Ros at Missy's garden - a pink flowering plant that I will plant along the back fence.  She says it flowers all year long so that will be lovely.

Another gift was from Tracy at Sunny Corner Farm.  A fat quarter - I have never had a fat quarter :0   I am looking at different bags you can make with them.  Also the softest loveliest dishcloth - I doubt I will use that for my dishes.  I wonder what yarn she used?

I also got a whole envelope of different seeds from kebun malay kadazan girl..

How blessed I am - they all arrived at a time when I needed a lift.  Thank you!

So I am back and raring to go - weekends hanging out in the garden are in my future again, I can see it :)


  1. I really enjoy your tropical garden. I grow some of the same things but it is great way to see real plants that I can never grow here in a real garden.
    I also love your inspirational quotes on the sidebar. Thanks for sharing those.
    BTW, I used a soft 8ply cotton for the dishcloth.

  2. Yes you are really so blessed, with all those seed gifts from blogger friends and the blooms. Those amaryllis are so beautiful, and the white lilies (just like mine) have many flowers in an umbel. That orchid i think is Dendrobium species, let's wait them to open. I can't get my eyes off the amaryllis, i will try to look for that myself.

  3. What gorgeous gardens, beautiful blooms, and amazing plants you have there! It's always surprising to me to see plants that only survive indoors here, out in the landscape elsewhere. Lucky you!

  4. The amaryllis is gorgeous, how funny that it 'heard' you and responded by blooming. I swear plants do listen when we gardeners talk to them and this is just further proof!

    Oh, to have orchids blooming, how wonderful. Love all the flowers you have shared!

  5. How wonderful to see your Amaryllis blooming! Obviously the threat worked for your plant. I've threatened mine with a similar fate, but there's been no evidence of any blooms coming! Those white lily flowers are beautiful and the orchid buds look so promising.

    Your little Cosmos seedlings are growing big and strong and will need potting up very soon. It's terrific to be on the receiving end of such great gifts and you've certainly had a few yourself.

  6. Wow, your Amaryllis must have felt real pressure to flower or be gone. But the pressure was worth it, it's beautiful. Welcome back to gardening!

  7. I think we gardeners need the garden more than the garden needs us sometimes. I'm back up in Cairns for a few days at the moment but hope to spend a week working in the garden when I get home.

  8. It's a beautiful surprise! You have a lovely amaryllis. Btw, the broms infront that have turned red in the centre infront are lovely as well ;-)

  9. Lovely blooms! Wish we have some rain here too.

  10. What a lovely welcome back to your garden. Your amaryllis and lilies are looking wonderful.

  11. Tracy,
    Thank you, I find it great fun to see what others are growing too.
    I will post some photos of that orchid in the next few days as they have opened up - I think you are right. Also lots more amaryllis - I am in flower heaven :)
    That is the wonderful thing about blogging, and I can see other things that I cant grow here!

    Bernie, as I said watch out for those seeds or you may have an invasion. I have noticed that only the amaryllis with leaves that have died off have flowered - I am getting ready to trim back the leaves on the others and see if that forces them to flower. :) watch this space - I will let you know what happens!
    Thanks Solitude rising I missed it.
    If you are ever up near me let me know and I will give you a garden tour.
    Malay Kadazan,
    we just had a little bit and then it stopped :( soon we will have too much
    I cant stay away from it now. It seems the garden called to me with its brightest blooms...

  12. So much beauty in your garden. The Amazon lilies are gorgeous! The amaryllis, the bromeliads...all so healthy and lush! Your very own tropical paradise!


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