From a dizzy height

Recently a Florida blogger Meems, who I follow, (and aspire to have a garden like hers) posted some photos she took from the roof of her house. see the link here here  It gave an interesting perspective and when the bright sun kept upsetting my photos I climbed the ladder. No! I was not going to climb the roof!

Does anyone else have trouble with bright sunlight and shady spots? I guess the answer is to only take photos in the early morning or late afternoon.    In the other direction you can see the lovely curve going around to the back.  You can also see how my grass is still not doing well after the bandicoot party. 

and in the vegetable garden you can see how I have taken out all the bits of broken rotten wood and replaced the edges with flat stones.   I think I am just going to stick with the weed mat on the paths.  Right now it looks nice and clean and weed free.  I wonder how long it will stay like that?
Since I had taken a photo from way up I decided to also take a photo from way down.....


  1. Oh yes AA, I have problems with the light too. I think that in winter in particular our sunlight is very very bright and taking photos is that much harder. I find that most of mine are coming out very stark and white, in contrast with the warm light of summer.

    And that's my two cents worth! Your garden is looking just great, lovely and neat and tidy.

    p.s. with the cement I am putting in some posts for a cubby house for the boys. Or a tree house in fact.

  2. What a lovely view from the ladder.

    I do not have a problem with shade. Instead I have a problem with the sun and the heat.

  3. Lovely views from high and low! Those flat stones on the edges of your vegie garden look terrific ... such a great choice. I do have loads of trouble with photos taken in the midday sunlight or in deep shade. I tend to take most of my shots either early in the morning or in the arvo. Our middle-of-the-day sunlight is extremely harsh, winter or summer.

  4. I remember Squirel Queen call it squirel's eye view, i wonder if you will call it ladder eye view! Oh i'm sorry, the ladder doesn't have eyes, haha! But the photos from that angle are great. Our problem with ours are the already tall trees that we cannot produce nice growths, and we cannot grow vegies under partial shades.

  5. What a clever idea! Both vantage points give a completely different perspective. I'm going to copy you, too, sometime ;) We also have huge contrasts between the sunny & shady areas.

    Your garden is looking so good :)

  6. My only problem with the sun right now is that it refuses to come out and play! I've never used a ladder to gain a different perspective, but I do sometimes just hold the camera as far above my head as my arms will reach and just click away, hoping for a good shot. There's no way I will be climbing on my roof, my house is two floors, and I'm afraid of heights. You did get some good pics!

  7. Seeing a garden from a birds=eye view definitely gives a different perspective on the garden. I love all your walkways and curvy beds. It looks great from above, as well as from down under, too.

  8. So fun to see this view of your gardens. Your curving stone pathway is so inviting and your plants are looking very lush from every viewpoint~~high and low. I think I see african lilies? ground orchids, oyster plant, mondo grass... all as edging plants. I love it! Thanks for the link-back and for sharing your lovely gardens.

  9. Ali,
    Yes I find I leave the photo taking until later and then all of a sudden it has got dark and I never took the photos! Your close ups are amazing. That sounds like quite a project, I imagine we are going to get some step by step instructions.
    Luckily we are in the middle of our coolest season and I am really enjoying it.
    yes it does give you a different perpective, and I have been meaning to do it for ages after I saw Meems's photos.
    Alison - well you are lucky - you can just lean out of a window on the top floor!
    It was a fun thing to do.
    Yes you started something now! No I havnt seen those african lillies here. You might be looking at the anthiriums or hipeastrums as they are known here. I hope they flower this year, otherwise they might have to go. Supposedly they need a dry season to spurt flowering, but it has been very dry this winter and still no blooms so i dont know what I am doing wrong.

  10. Your idea of taking pictures up from a ladder is great indeed. The angle is just perfect for a lovely effect. I love the pics of the path both from up above and down below.

  11. Solitude rising,
    thanks it was a good exercise, and you see different things from a different angle.


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