Defining the edges of garden beds

One of my favourite areas of the garden is where I have created the stone path, but somehow the edges of the garden on the one side always looked messy.  I had rhoeo growing there, mainly because that is what I had handy when I started the bed.  When we went into town over the weekend I got a couple of pots of variegated mondo grass, and divided them up into many separate little plants, so that I now have a more well defined edge to the bed.  I topped up the stones close to the edge, so they look different, but that is just because they are new.

 The left side has regular green mondo, but I thought the variegated would be good in the more shady area.  I am liking the way this area is filling in.  I have lots of ferns there, and have kept my maidenhair in a pot, simply because I cannot believe that what I knew as a very sensitive plant is growing outside in my garden.  I have a few other ferns, and am hoping this variegated fern will fill in a bit.  There is a another fern that I have thought of as a weed, but now I am propagating it instead of pulling it out!  Isn't it funny how you can think differently about a plant in different circumstances?
 I try to pick up a lot of the leaves that fall, but ferns love to grow in that type of forest floor matter, and so I just added a little bit more compost around the area.  The ground orchids in that area are not flowering - I am not sure if they need more sunshine to flower.  They do get just a little filtered light throughout the morning. One surprise is the Persian shield - I have never seen it flower - maybe because I keep cutting it back!
I often sit in the chair for a little rest while I am gardening, and looking out at this fern glade is very relaxing.


  1. Love the path, the edges, the fern and shade for the big tree. I have almost finish removing all the carpet grass, replaced them with rocks and am doing some final touches. Nothing spectacular but will share when I'm done. It's taking way too long. Spent too much time chasing butterflies.

  2. I love looking at paths and edgings. Thanks.

    Persian Shield blooms when the days get shorter. It only blooms here in a greenhouse because it dies back to the ground at the first whiff of frost. Those little cone-shaped blooms are a novelty.

  3. I've never seen Persian Shield flower either. I must check mine next weekend.
    Your stone path looks great - nothing beats Mondo grass as an edge.

  4. My ground orchids are not blooming as prolific as last year either. Not sure why. Love all your newly defined flower bed. Those ferns made this area look very peaceful. Love that variegated fern. And I also only saw the persian shield blooming once for me, they are such cute flowers, and they are almost blue, my favorite color!

    BTW, I have been having issues to leave comments in your blog. Please see my recent post for the detail of the issue. thanks!

  5. One,
    Oh I am looking forward to your reveal. I don't have much grass, but it often is more trouble than the flowers and veggies....
    Funny, I think of it as being a bit of a weed here as I keep having to cut it back.
    I hope you also have flowers on your persian shield. I am always aware how easy it is to overdo the mondo grass edging because of that fact.
    I am glad you are back able to comment, and not sure how to change anything other than to suggest commentors use google chrome.


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