Watching and waiting...

The weather is cooling down a bit now and the humidity is definitely a bit more bearable.   It is lovely out in the garden and since I have been a bit under the weather I have been spending a bit of time just sitting in the swing enjoying the garden.  I need to do more of that, I think.  
Once the flowers fell off off the lipstick plant it developed these long tendrils - arent they strange?  I wonder if they contain some sort of seed?

In other news I broke down and bought a bale of sugar cane mulch.  It is much more expensive than the hay mulch I normally get from my farmer neighbour, but he doesnt seem to have any this year.  It is quite finely chopped so spreads easily and right away I could tell everything was happy to be bedded down between these billowy clouds of mulch.

 I have never grown zuchini before, and it seems quite happy.  I am waiting to see which of these pawpaw plants it a female - she will stay and the rest will go.  I am hoping they are the red ones, since I planted quite a lot of the red seeds in this area, but pawpaw still come up as weeds everywhere....
I have quite a few seedlings  that are slowly getting bigger, nothing seems as quick as I had hoped for though.   Cucumbers are forming so they might be our first harvest.  Oh! I forgot - I have nibbled on a few green beans and one cherry tomato.  What I really want though is the need to buy one of those lovely harvesting baskets so I can stuff it chock a block full of veggies :)
Oh, I am so hoping for a prolific vegetable garden this season.....


  1. Get well soon. It looks like its going to be a busy vegetable-growing season this year for you.

  2. Solitude Rising,
    thanks, I sure am hoping so.


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