Heleconia opens up more

I think this heleconia deserves a post of its very own -  it has opened up even more now -  you still have to go into the "scary, deep forest," as my grandson calls it. 
I first noticed this starting to colour up on the 21st March, so it has taken about three weeks to open up this much.  I am always tempted to cut my big flowers that you don't see easily, but I like the idea of having to work a bit harder to access this one.  We have some friends visiting from England this weekend - I wonder if they will venture down the scary deep forest path to see it? 


  1. Oh Wow! This is so stunning. Can't help wondering where the African part of Africanaussie comes from?

  2. Oh, I wish I had a deep, scary forest! That heliconia is gorgeous. Definitely deserves its own post!

  3. She's a beauty! No words needed as she speaks volumes for herself :)

  4. Your Heleconia really gives your garden a tropical look. It is quite spectacular. I saw some like that in Costa Rica in the wild rain forest so you grandson is right on the mark. Nice!

  5. I would gladly venture into the "scary, deep forest" if that beauty is what I'll find.

  6. Gardengirl,
    Oh! here it is in a nutshell - I was born in South Africa, left there at 22, travelled the world for the next 20 years or so on a sailboat, then ended up here in Australia.
    thank you! I havnt seen any updated posts from you lately - you doing OK?
    so glad it is not just me who thinks my "child" is beautiful.
    Yes I am so lucky to be able to grow flowers like this
    Solitude Rising,
    I am sure you can grow these on your farm....

  7. Solitude Rising,
    I saw in your last comments that you said yours had turned dwarf. I have some others that are just naturally low growing - only about a foot high - maybe you have that kind?


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