Easter break was a time for refreshemnt and renewal

Coming to the end of a five day weekend  (yes I do love the fact we get so many holidays in Australia) we had a brunch out in the garden this morning and I realised just how special it is to live here in the tropics. This is my favourite time of the year when the humidity and temperature drop.  We have had a lot of wind and two days ago I mulched up every single leaf and now the back garden is full of fallen leaves again.  There is nothing I would rather be doing though than messing about in the garden. 
There are deep depressions in the vegetable garden where I cleared away the sugar cane mulch and planted out my little parsley seedlings.  I suspect that horrible can toads have gone and sat on the seedlings, wiggling their ugly bums into the earth and squashing the seedlings flat.  I am going to have to find a way to get rid of them. the cane toads, not the seedlings!

My Ulysses caterpillar curled himself up against the branch and has now formed its chrysalis.  I am counting down the days and will begin to keep an eye on it - thinking it will be about 10 days to 2 weeks. 

 This is now known as orchid corner.  we hung a piece of bamboo across the corner to suspend the orchids from. Hopefully that will give them just that little bit of morning sunshine.  It is looking a little untidy at the moment, but as the stephanotis vine fills in I am hoping it will look better.  Above the fence is a pink bougainvillea so that area should be quite colourful.  Orchids are actually quite untidy plants no matter what you do with them, I find.
 My white orchid is looking lovely and seems to like its new home.
 I feel renewed and refreshed after my Easter break.


  1. Your plants all look so neat and well cared for! I'd never describe your orchid corner as untidy! I think it's a great idea the way you've organised it and I'm looking forward to seeing them all in full bloom. The new white one is gorgeous! Actually, is there such a thing as a 'non-gorgeous' orchid? I don't think so!

    I've heard all about cane toads...nasty little blighters!

    You really do have a lovely garden and I so enjoyed your video tour! Glad you had a delightful weekend (I envy you all your public holidays!)

    True to form, our winter rains arrived on the Easter weekend. We've had 32mm since 8am yesterday, which for us is really good :) I know you can brag about WAY more than that in the tropics :)

  2. If you find a way to get rid of the cane {marine} toads let me know. They have arrived as an unwanted specis here. My little Yorkshire Terrier finds then irresistable and has on several occasions nearly died from their poison. Now I have to watch her every time that I let her out and keep her on a lead.

  3. Desiree,
    I am never quite sure when the orchids should flower, and in fact my neighbours crucifix orchids in full sun have been flowering for some time. That made me think mine needed a bit more sun. So glad you got rain, I am sure your garden will love that.
    Gosh - I didnt realise you had them there too. All the dogs here seem to know to keep away from them.

  4. There you are, so happy in the tropics, and here I am, so happy to be in southern Tasmania. What funny things humans are and its so lucky we don't all want to live in the same place!

  5. Kate,
    How right you are! I do want to visit Tasmania someday though, but I suspect it will be in the summer! Stay warm!


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