Get rid of the grass.

I typed up this post just after Australia day last week.  A mid week break - now it looks as though I will have another mid week break, but not for such wonderful pursuits.  As cyclone Jasi is heading stright for us!  Holding thumbs that everything in my garden survives and that I can still continue on with this project as posted! 

Australia Day was spent tidying up and thinking about yet more garden projects... :)
The grass in this area next to the gazebo is in deep shade -
We have decided to give in.  Too much time and effort has been wasted.  There is a point where the grass just stops growing, no matter how much water, fertilizer, and even roll lawn we add.
This dust is getting everywhere, and then when it rains it is mud..... a project that really is long overdue.

Will it look silly to have the row of mondo grass extend across towards the tree?  The area where the grass doesnt grow will probably be filled with stones.  Paving is too expensive, and also this is an area where there are lots of tree roots so it is not level enough to lay pavers. I am toying with an idea of a little concrete bench off to the side of the gazebo.  Just a row of concrete blocks - very simple, but can also be used for extra seating alongside the table..... 
We never open the big double gate and so the one closest to the fence will stay permanently closed and we will extend the border up to there.  Yeah more area to plant in!    \The first thing I did was move my plumeria tree.  It is sulking badly, as you can see, so hope it  recovers.  I cut off one of the branches to propogate another one.  I have not had a lot of success with them - maybe because I keep moving them!!!!  This one was already growing in a contorted shape because it didnt have room.  Now it has room.
 I laid out some cardboard to start to kill the grass while I decide what I will plant in that area.  I have a bouganvilla climbing the other side of the gate so that will cascade over the top as well.  It will be nice to have  a colourful area to look out from the gazebo.
The very best news was that it was quite pleasant working out there.  Oh yes! please let this humidity be coming to an end!


  1. We've had the same problem with the last few remaining grassed areas in our garden. We've also tried everything known to man with very little lasting success. In November last year, at considerable expense, we had a gardening company in to remove all the grass next to our pool. This was replaced with new enriched soil & planted with roll on lawn - it looked wonderful, like a beautiful green carpet. It lasted for less than two months! As we have 3 dogs, we need some grassed areas, so we just have to battle on! I think your plan sounds marvellous & really do wish I could do something like that here.

    Stay safe till the cyclone has passed...baton down the hatches & lie low. Hope you come through in one piece!

  2. Thinking of you as Yasi approaches. Hope you are safe don't get too much damage.
    Will be praying that isn't as bad as she looks, because she looks very scary.

  3. Please, please, please stay safe! Isn't there any way you can move inland during the duration of the storm? You have me so worried. BTW I love your grass path... BE SAFE!

  4. Looked at images: a big scary cyclone. Hope you will be ok. We're expecting a record-setting blizzard here in Chicago. Crazy, but not so lethal, I think.

    On happier note: can you plant ground covers and shade plants?

  5. The latest issue of How to Find Great Plants is here and your urgent vegetables post is listed. Thanks so much for participating, I hope you will again next month. Here’s the issue:

    I'm all for removing as much lawn as possible!

  6. I hope you are all safe and there is not to much damage in your area. Keep Safe

  7. Hope that you've weathered the storm without too much damage!

  8. thanks for all your concern! We were without power and phones for 4 days at home - 6 days at work! Luckily I had just trimmed back the tree and cleaned out the gutters. Lots of leaves and smaller branches, but the garden is fine! yeah! Can you believe even my liitle seedlings are still there - brave as anything :) What an experience - the worst of it hit further south. I am so looking forward to the dry season....

  9. I think you have a great plan!

  10. It is always a challenge to grow something in the shady areas. I'm glad you are safe and good luck with this.


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