Branching out

While the weather has been too miserable for gardening I have been doing some spring cleaning (Ok autumn cleaning... you know what I mean)

Cleaning out the clutter that was a conglomeration of torn out recipes, printed out recipes and scribbled out recipes led to this idea:
I will choose at least two new recipes a week to try
They will be posted on africanaussie-recipes if they are worth keeping, and will be added to my most treasured recipe box right there on the blog.

Requirements are that they will be:
Healthy, diabetes friendly, relatively easy and economical. I try to have meatless mondays and maybe vegetarian one other day of the week. I am just posting the main course, unless I find a marvellous soup, salad or dessert. I have otameal for breakfast every day (I know it is boring but it works and doesnt require much pre-planning or forethought. I take my lunch to work, mostly just a soup or salad or leftovers.

Join me if you dare...... Link back here here every week and we can all learn some great new recipes, or if you just want to share a recipe, post it in the comments, and I might feature it in a later menu.

Menu for this week:

February 12th Saturday..........chickpea burgers - rest frozen for lunches, ok but recipe not a keeper.
February 13th Sunday ............grilled prawns with roasted potatoes and salad -one of our all time favourite meals. No recipe really. just butterfly prawns, remove heads but keep tails on, then sprinkle with dried chile flakes and olive oil - place under grill for a few minutes.

Note: bury the shells in the garden afterwards, great for attracting worms!
February 14th Monday ...........chicken breasts stuffed with brie, capsicums and snow peas, rice and mixed sauteed vegetables.
February 15th Tuesday stepson cooked for us, a nice treat! - also chicken breasts but stuffed with mushrooms, feta cheese, garlic chives and oregano (from my garden) and scalloped white and sweet potatoes made with cream - very tasty but a bit too rich for everyday.
February 16th Wednesday.........leftover chicken and potatoes (without the sauce) over salad greens - nice!
February 17th Thursday.............Pumpkin curry
February 18th Friday .................Artichoke Strudel.


  1. What a good idea. You'll end up with a wonderful collection of recipes.
    The grilled prawns and potatoes would be my favourite too. I'd never thought of burying the shells - afraid they'd get dug up.

  2. Voting for the grilled prawns and potatoes...oh yes! Sounds like a great way to narrow your recipes down to the ones you absolutely must have!

  3. Missy,
    Well luckily I dont have a dog.... (or unluckily if you look at it another way)
    Theanne and Baron,
    Lately I have felt swamped by the amount of recipes I think I have to try.

  4. Oh my good heavens! My menu is quite boring compared to yours. Stuffed chicken breasts with brie, pumpkin curry and artichoke struedel...I'm hungry!!!!!! I'm sorry for the poor weather you're experiencing but am so happy to be able to benefit! Very lucky for us readers!!!

  5. Kimberley,
    Well, those are the recipes that have sat around for a while waiting for me! So far it is quite fun, and nice to share as well. I find photographing food is quite different to photographing flowers though! Might not be too many photos!

  6. What a great menu, I am really looking forward to reading more about the wonderful meals you create and the ones from others that will be shared here.


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