The garden thinks it christmas!

All year long we have to pay to take landscaping to the public dump, then one weekend (4 days) a year you can go and pick up free mulch!  My hubby borrowed his sons ute (pickup) on Friday and got three loads, and it was almost finished by the end of the day, there was a line every time he went back for another load.  Just as well we didn't wait until the weekend! 
I spent the entire weekend moving mulch and spreading mulch.  The garden has lapped it up and now looks lovely.

Doesn't this look just like a white tropical Christmas tree?

I think a lot of the mozzie problems we have in the back yard has come from fallen leaves.  I do realise just how lucky I am to have landscapers come in every fortnight and mow and edge, but I have asked them repeatedly not to blow the leaves into the garden.  I would rather they blew them into a pile and I can mulch and collect them when I get home.  I try to mulch them before they come, but cant always get to it. So I have to go deep in amongst the plants to try to vacuum as many leaves as possible
I ripped out all the heleconias next to the fence - they have never flowered - I think they do need some sunlight.  Now I have a big empty area, but think the sexy pink lady and torch gingers will fill up that area in no time.  It does look a bit bare, but also might help with the mosquitoes. Just look at that lovely mulch :)  the kampheria is growing right across where the path should be - I am not sure whether to move it or just step over it.  It dies down completely in the dry season.

 The hibiscus love this season, and this was a plain red but the sunlight make it look yellow!  How is that?

I really must cut back the cats whiskers as they keep taking over the whole area.  Maybe I should just give in and rescue the plants in front and let it have its way!

Once the mulch was spread and the plants had a cocktail of seaweed tea I could tell the garden was very happy and grateful for their Christmas bonus.   


  1. Your garden is looking really lush. Looks like your natural seaweed concoction is working well. Wish they offered free mulch around here but the powers that be here aren't very generous. Great pic of your Cat wiskers Plant by the way. I have never seen those before.

  2. Those backlit photos are absolutely amazing, especially the cat's whiskers! I probably need to pick up some mulch just to help protect my tropicals from the cold.

  3. Your garden looks extremely healthy. I envy your black, fertile soil. I use fresh cut grass as mulch.

  4. Sanddune,
    Yes at this time of year most of the gardening chores are cutting everything back! The cats whiskers are also very good at attracting butterflies and sunbirds.
    Rainforest Gardener,
    I often have trouble with intense sunlight and dark shadows, but in this instance it worked in my favour. Lets hope your winter this year is not as harsh as last year!
    Actually our soil is quite sandy and nutrient deficient, but I keep amending it with compost, mulch and seaweed.

  5. Well, Merry Christmas to your garden! My garden certainly has truckloads of mulch on its Christmas list!

    P.S. I was clueless as to what a mozzie was, but googling has told me it is a mosquito. (We just call them skeeters here. LOL.)

  6. What a great Christmas present for the garden. I wish our local Council was that generous. Your garden is looking so healthy. We are just getting day after day of rain and maximum temperatures in the 20s in Brisbane.
    I love your carpet grass - wish we could grow it here.

  7. Floridagirl,
    I hope your garden survives the cold snap! Gosh Google is amazing isnt it? I thought skeeters scooted across the water!
    Well, I wouldnt call it generous..... Funny it has been very dry here but hot! This grass seems to survive most things we throw at it.


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