Ulysses butterfly

My hubby took this photo while I was at work.  They are normally so flighty and  difficult to capture on film.  Doesnt the iridescent blue of the wings look wonderful against the purple geisha girl flowers?
This is what I think is lurking inside the chrysalis on my front verandah.
I hope it emerges over the weekend when I can take some photos.  One of my neighbours chrysalis has hatched, and she didnt see it emerge, so everyone is carefully watching with bated breath so we dont miss the next one. 


  1. Great photo! That is a gorgeous butterfly! Can't wait to see that chrysalis open!

  2. They do take your breath away ... spectacular creatures!

  3. Beautiful photo. Lovely butterfly with tails and extremely rare blue patches. ~bangchik

  4. What a great photograph! The light is magic on the wings, leaves and flowers! Beautiful!! Good luck seeing the butterfly emerge! ;>)

  5. Beautiful!! -Jean

  6. Oh, so beautiful! I do love our butterflies around here, but sometimes I do long for the beautiful colours of the butterflies you get up North!

  7. Thanks for all the comments everyone, these ulysses butterflies are so cool, and often when I am working in the garden they will fly right up around me, just brushing the side of my face - so special! Get out the camea though and they dissapear! I just posted some photos of the empty chrysalis - it flew the coop while I wasnt looking so am keeping an eye out on the last one.


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