sexy pink lady

I find myself wandering off into the far corner of the garden much more often now...

The sexy pink lady has opened up a little and slowly will zig-zag down.  This looks as though it will be a very big flower.
 So this flower might have about 7 or eight zig zags.
 I just adore this very delicate pink and green combination.


  1. I exiled this plant from our claybackyard in an urban context. The roots were about 18 inches deep. Four hours in a five feet square.

    That is why I remind everyjuan that many good looking plants are better left for spaces over an acre, unless one does not mind losing the whole space to one plant.

    Nice post, however.....

  2. Oh Wow, I was so excited when I saw this from my feeds today. I love this sexy pink heliconia. Your's looks promisingly gorgeous, especially when it open up and spiral downwards. I have seen this planted near the walkway to Shangrila Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia and it is also perfect as cut flowers. They look extremely elegant and graceful sitting on a vase placed at the buffet table of this posh 5-star hotel.

  3. Antigonum Cajan,
    No I dont mind giving up the space to plants like this. I dont have a lot of space, but they will just all have to fight for it....
    Autumn Belle,
    that looks like an amazing hotel - they often here have too many flowers like this jammed in a vase - I prefer to have one specimen. It would have to be a huge vase for this one though.

  4. It's beautiful. I like Heliconia. Just in front of my house, there are various species planted and maintained by the developer here. Nothing as unique as yours though. This was my Heliconia post.

  5. I looked at that post One, you are lucky to have so many beautiful flowers on your doorstep without having to maintain them. I wish I had more room!

  6. What a beautiful pattern that bud makes! Can't wait till it fully opens! Bet it's driving you crazy!

  7. Floridagirl,
    he good thing about flowers that take so long to open is that they normally last a long time too! I am just toying with the idea of whether to cut it and bring it inside or leave it out in the garden - it really is out of the way in the garden. Might enjoy it more inside.

  8. Pink and green are my favorite colors, and this plant is a real beauty.


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