A few little updates around the garden

This year the rainy season seems to have arrived early, or maybe it is just giving us a taste of things to come and we will still have those lovely  hot but not too muggy October and November days of the past. With all this extra rain there is new growth everywhere, and some plants in my garden only take off in the wet season.  These Amazon Lily love the moist climate, but always seem to be gazing down into the earth!

 The variegated costus dies right back, and I noticed this time is growing lots of little side branches. 

 I noticed some little red flowers on my lipstick plant....

This is how the flowers start - like empty lipstick cases -                                                           cool plant don't you think?

I tidied up the hanging baskets of orchids and brought them out for a little sunshine - that is supposed to induce flowering.  we will see....

 White flowers are appearing on the spath and also this little ground hugging plant which dies down totally in the dry season and then surprises me when it pops up again.

 The tiny purple anthirium is putting out a new bud, I recently had to move it as the bigger dark pink anthirium was taking over and you couldn't even see it.  I love the anthirium and will continue to subdivide until I have them en masse under the tree, replacing the bromeliads which used to fill up with leaves and just look messy.  My garden is continually evolving and changing.


  1. You have showcased some of my favorite shade plants here today! I love peace lilies and Amazon lilies and anthuriums and that little ground hugging plant I call Peacock Ginger (Kaempferia). That lipstick plant is really cool! I wonder if it could take my climate. Hmmm... If I ever see one, I'll just have to experiment.

  2. They're certainly get an early rainy season down south. We haven't had heavy rain here yet ... just the occasional light shower. Still so very unusual for this time of year ... the bush is still looking so green.

    My Kaempferia is breaking ground right now just like yours ... that ground hugging ginger! I love the little purple flowers on it ... but I haven't seen any flowers on mine just yet.

    Just love your Lipstick Plant ... that's one I've never had but it does look fascinating. Love your purple Anthurium. Let's hope those Orchids flower soon.

  3. It's always fun to see what the rains urge from our plants. We haven't had rain in weeks ~~even though it is typically our dry season ~ an occasional rain is always welcome. Love your amazon lily and I always see that lipstick plant at the garden center and get tempted by it... it is a pretty foliage plant, too. Anthurium is always great to see in a garden!

  4. Floridagirl,
    I totally forgot the name of that Kaempferia, that is what happens when plants dissapear and re-appear again!
    well today is lovely and clear with low humidity, so I am hoping we have a few more of these before the wet sets in!
    Yes I try not to water the plants and let them survive on rain, these plants are amazing though that they put up with such an abundance of water in the wet season.
    I have had that lipstick plant for a couple of years but it has only taken off in the last year - it seems to like quite a lot of shade, and good drainage.


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