Wet season is just around the corner

These little guys we call rocket frogs and they have been getting inside the house.  Less than an inch in size, they can jump four or five feet so are very difficult to catch and re-locate outside.  My grandson has great fun chasing them.  When one of those jumps on you in the middle of the night it can give you a big fright.
I guess that means the wet season is just around the corner.  This hibiscus that I grew from a slip has done well, and I love the way it start to unfurl...

Into a very delicate flower. 

Look at the detail - I just fell in love with it, and so glad that the little slip that I had in my handbag all day took!

The desert rose has buds just about to burst open, it has recovered from the rather severe pruning I gave it after a bad bug infestation.

Even the franzipani is showing signs of life.

This must be part of the bamboo family,  but it behaves very well and is not at all invasive, so I have placed a few cuttings in other areas.
So is my garden ready for the onslaught of heat, humidity and bugs?.... we shall just have to wait and see.


  1. Still Thursday here... I love the hibiscus unfurling photos! Gorgeous! ;>)

  2. Great photos of the Japanese Lantern Hibiscus ... I have one of those as well and I just adore those flowers.

    I had to chuckle over your 'Rocket' frogs ... while we don't have that particular species here, we do have something similar. We lovingly call them the 'Olympic Pole-vaulters' ... they can jump so high and so far in one leap!! Impossible to catch ... but it's such fun watching hubbie trying to capture them to put them back outside in the garden!!

  3. That Hibiscus is simply gorgeous and I love your frogs. When we lived in Oregon we had little green frogs. Every night we'd fall asleep to their chorus. We miss them!

  4. Rocket frogs in the house...that jump on you? I don't think I'd like that at all! Your hibiscus is spectacular! Love to see that frangipani breaking dormancy. Illustrates our backwards climates, as mine are just getting ready to shed their leaves.

  5. Carol, thanks, yes I think it is so delicate.
    Bernie, Oh I like that name Japanese lantern - very descriptive. Olympic pole vaulters is also a great name for those frogs!
    Meredenhuit, Yes we often hear the green frogs, especially before rain and it can be so loud you cant even have a conversation inside the house! Floridagirl, oh they are very cute and tiny! i know i have been anxiously watching all your wet season plants to see what I can expect next!

  6. The plant yu said to be from the bamboo family is a dracaena surculosa :)


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