Bromeliad bed extended

At the end of the bromeliad bed is the corner where I have been growing gerbera daisies, but I think they are not happy there.  It is probably a little too shady and water logged, and that will only get worse as the wet season approaches.  This weekend I moved the gerberas out into the front where they will get full sun and good drainage. 

A couple of my bromeliads have been producing extra pups, so they were cut off and moved to their new home.  As I prepare my tomato bed I will be digging up more and more stones, must really start to wash them off though so that the top layer has no dirt in them as that just attracts weeds.
I just need a few more bricks and that will complete this area nicely.
This one has coloured up so nicely since it was moved into a more sunny position.  It only gets morning sun but that seems to be enough.
I have always hankered after a water feature, and if you look closely the inside of my neo looks just like a little pond with a water lilly stretching up!

So I do have a water feature!


  1. Hi Gillian, what an enchanting photo! I envy your broms in the garden. We have to take them inside for the winter here so grow them in pots for ease of moving. You are wise about the dirt on the gravel causing weeds to germinate. Seeds are in every square inch of soil, it seems. Happy spring, where you are! :-)

  2. Oh, then I DO have a water feature in my garden? Hmmm... somehow those pools of water in my broms aren't fooling me. But I like your attitude. I SO want a water feature or ...two. :-)

    You've got some really nicely colorful broms and now more of them since you moved the pups. They are wonderful in the garden as ground cover aren't they! I've tried gerberas twice and haven't succeeded. It's been a while but I think they definitely like more sunshine than I can give them here. Hopefully yours will do better where you moved them.

  3. I've got a lot of those water features in my garden! LOL. I too find it fascinating to peer inside a Neo brom. Makes for beautiful camera shots as well. Gerberas are lovely, but I have a time growing those. Last year, I would've told you they do best in hot, sunny, sandy locales, as the ones I put there were gorgeous and thriving at the time. But this year, I have no glorious gerberas anywhere in the garden. They are simply duds.

  4. Frances,
    I do feel very blessed to be able to grow such tropical beauties in my own backyard. Once the wet season (summer) starts here, the weeds really take off! Happy fall to you!
    you have a lot more space than I do, so you might still be able to fit in a water feature or two. I really hope my gerberas bounce back.
    I find gardening is a lot of hit or miss, some years something does well and then the next year it just fizzles out. Your gerberas must not have liked the cold winter.

  5. I just found your blog through Kitchen Gardener. I have really enjoyed viewing the photos, your comments and your favorite quotes, most of which resonate with me. I will visit again. Thank you for this little treasure.

    Mary Ann in California

  6. Hello Mary Ann,
    welcome and thank you for your kind comments.

  7. That close up - the last photo is really a beauty!!!


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