True happiness in the garden

"It is when you stop wanting things out of your control ........... that you can be truly happy"

 I read this in an article, and then went back and read it again,
 and again.  
 I will never have one of those huge gardens with a water feature, or rows of concrete arches repeating one after another to create a wonderful symmetry.  Heck no, I hardly have room for more than one or two of anything.  Planning and planting this garden was fun and kept me busy and gave me reasons to post on my blog every couple of days. That creativity kept me on a gardening high, but now the work has plateaued, now is the time to just step back and enjoy the fruits of my labour.
I have my little rainforesty area, just a couple of fan palms and a tree fern, but it is a forest in its own way.

the fluted fan palm loves its location against the fence

 and I never tire of watching the tree fern fronds unfold, they start as a furry round ball at the base of the trunk.

 and then they become like magic in the garden.......little curlicues all the way along the branch, unfolding, unrolling and reaching out.....

 I love the way the sunlight dapples through the leaves, and you know what?......... the light dapples just the same through one set of leaves as a hundred....

I loved my favourite heleconia, the Lady Di,

but when they became invasive in my little plot they had to be ripped out.. so sad, but then again I can grow some lovely crotons in that area, and soon they will spread and fill in this empty space. 

 the crotons are already perking up with new growth in response to the extra sunlight they are getting.
While it grows, my dear hubby and I can quietly sit in the garden swing enjoying the serenity, most of the hard work is done in the little garden of ours, and now we get to enjoy it. Swing..... swing.

.... Mmmmmm.... here I am......truly happy and content in my little corner of the world.


  1. I love your little forest and if I were there we would sit and chat and sip lemonade.

  2. Sounds so much like my little space. Right down to the slowly unfurling tree fern fronds and sittin' on the swing. That croton you pictured is beautiful! You are lucky to have a fence. My lot will not allow it, as I have an old oak and an old magnolia right at the lot line.

  3. what a nice tour, i've enjoyed your little jungle...we have an abandoned nursery next door and lady di has taken over quite a large i know not to go over and dig some out...although there's a few other lovely specimens i should go over and dig up :)

  4. Hello. Your little rainforest is really beautiful. You have successfully created the rainforest atmosphere. It just shows that one doesn't need a large space to create a lush garden. I love the plants you chose to put in your 'jungle', they all work together.

    I will surely be a frequent visitor to your garden through your awesome blog.

  5. Meredehuit, that would be lovely!
    too true, even though we are so far apart, that is why I enjoy reading your blog. You do have a lot more room than me though!
    Noel, I would love to find an abandoned nursery!
    Solitude Rising, glad I found your blog as well. Well, with a small space everything has to do their bit, that is why the ones that dont work have to go!

  6. I love that quote - thanks for sharing. My garden is out of control too - sometimes I feel like it is getting away from me, but then I'll just re-read that quote.

    I love how everything you grow is so tropical - very different plants than here in a temperate rainforest. Most of your plants we keep as houseplants here!

  7. Stevie,
    thanks for your comment, yes that is the thing about growing in a tropical climate - things grow with great speed - the weeds too!


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