Green and white

I love the variegated leaves I have scattered around in the garden and find that the simple combination of green and white makes plants pop out of the shadows under the tree.
 These white lilies fill a dark corner
This little fern has happily spread around the lower areas.
 Then this caladium has just never been particularly happy. I wish mine looked like Meems does at hoe and shovel!  I have cleared more space around so that it can grow.... grow......come on, grow!
 This is a little caladium like plant a friend gave me, and I have put them around the edge of the croton area. they are flopping around a bit now, but will perk up soon and create a nice edging alongside the stone path..
as the weather has been so hot this winter, I am wondering what summer will bring. green and white seems somehow cooling...
I have started my daily swim once again, and the water is pleasant.
I must have blinked and missed winter.
The humidity is still only 50%
and the temp is 30 degrees


  1. Love that striped plant in the first photo! And your Amazon lilies are gorgeous! It's been months since mine have bloomed. It's about time now!

  2. I love that var. plant at the top of your post. I can see how that would pop out of a dark spot. I've got that same little. var. fern and I love it. Good luck with your caladiums. They do very well here in Florida.

  3. I agree, the variegated plant at the top of your post is really an eye catcher. I think your plants have nothing to complain about the hot winter temperature, looks like they're loving it.

  4. Floridagirl,
    I have been watching your blog to see what I can expect next too!
    I think the caladiums do best in the wet season, but I have some varieties that do great year round.
    Solitude rising,
    No it is only me that complains, not the plants, I feel after going through our hot humid summers I need a bit of a break before it starts again! We have also had a lot more rain than normal, so the plants are quite happy.


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